5 Best Clash Royale Decks Worth Double Evolution

The Double Evolution Global Tournament in Clash Royale has returned, and it’s time to prepare with the best Clash Royal Double Evolution Decks to ensure your victory. In this article, we’ll break down five top-performing decks, highlighting their key cards and winning strategies. If you Want to stay ahead in Clash Royale? Buy Clash Royale gems to power up your cards, to do better in the Double Evolution Tournament.

Note: These decks include legendary cards. If you’re lacking any legendary cards, you can buy a Clash Royale account that already has all these cards required to play such decks

5 Best Clash Royal Double Evolution Decks

1. Royal Hogs Earthquake Cycle

Royal Hogs Earthquake Cycle Cards Breakdown

  1. Royal Hogs – 5 Elixir
  2. Earthquake – 3 Elixir
  3. Archer Queen – 5 Elixir
  4. Evo Skeletons – 1 Elixir
  5. Evo Ice Spirit – 1 Elixir
  6. Cannon – 3 Elixir
  7. Royal Delivery – 3 Elixir
  8. Log – 2 Elixir

Average Cost: 2.875 Elixir

Winning Strategy

This Clash Royale deck utilizes the speed ability to always apply pressure to your opponent. The Royal Hogs are the main win condition and Earthquake to damage buildings. The Archer Queen is a tough ground troop and has fast three-card ability. Defensively, Double Evo cycle cards especially the Evo Skeletons and the Evo Ice Spirit are important for defense and speed to cycle. The initial strategy is to cycle Earthquake or Ice Spirit and follow up with an instant Royal Hogs push if a successful defense has been achieved. Be careful against decks with bulk tanks like Mega Knight as this deck doesn’t have a mini tank. Concentrate on pinning your opponent’s cycles and aiming your spells accordingly.

2. Pekka Bridge Spam

Pekka Bridge Spam Cards Breakdown

  1. Pekka – 7 Elixir
  2. Ram Rider – 5 Elixir
  3. Evo Wizard – 5 Elixir
  4. Ghost – 3 Elixir
  5. Guards – 3 Elixir
  6. Phoenix – 4 Elixir
  7. Void – 4 Elixir
  8. Zap – 2 Elixir

Average Cost: 4 Elixir

Winning Strategy

Pekka Bridge Spam is all about chunking big pushes and dictating the flow of battle. The Pekka is your main objective for taking out the enemy tanks and the Ram Rider threatens and can reach the tower. Evo Wizard is one of the most efficient at dealing splash damage and a must-have for swarm defense situations. To add a little more pressure and defense, employ the Ghost and Guards. Begin with the back line by putting Pekka to create a powerful push, combined with the Wizard and Phoenix. In addition, use Void and Zap for spell support so that you can open a hole in the opponent’s defense or control the flow of the battle. It is particularly strong against beatdown strategies but falls short in the matchups against aggressive cycle Clash Royale decks.

3. Drill Magic Archer Control

Drill Magic Archer Control Card Breakdown

  1. Goblin Drill – 4 Elixir
  2. Magic Archer – 4 Elixir
  3. Monk – 5 Elixir
  4. Evo Bats – 2 Elixir
  5. Guards – 3 Elixir
  6. Ghost – 3 Elixir
  7. Evo Wizard – 5 Elixir
  8. Tornado – 3 Elixir

Average Cost: 3.6 elixir

Winning Strategy

This Clash Royale deck can be a continuation of Goblin Drill’s attack ability as well as Monk and Evo Bats’ defense. Build additional towers to help you defeat the remaining waves of troops, focusing on using the Magic Archer to deal damage to the tower from a distance. The Monk is ideal for nullifying incoming attacks and providing coverage for the core units, making it effective against PRE cards such as Princess and Dart Goblin. Drill pushes can be disastrous when backed by Evo Bats, especially when done simultaneously with Magic Archer. Tornado – pull troops into Magic Archer’s range to create pressure on the opponent or to KO your King Tower. In particular, Magic Archer and Monk put high pressure on the deck, as do all illusions, but when used correctly, this Clash Royale deck has very high outplay power.

4. Lavaloon

 Lavaloon Cards Breakdown

  1. Lava Hound – 7 Elixir
  2. Balloon – 5 Elixir
  3. Evo Zap – 2 Elixir
  4. Valkyrie – 4 Elixir
  5. Guards – 3 Elixir
  6. Skeleton Dragons – 4 Elixir
  7. Inferno Dragon – 4 Elixir
  8. Void – 3 Elixir

Average Cost: 4.000 elixir

Winning Strategy

Lavaloon is a strong air-based Clash Royale deck that has been around for quite some time and is built around the concept of spamming the field with powerful beaters. The Lava Hound tanks while the Balloon deals immense damage. Evo Zap and Evo Valkyrie are your main defense with the Valkyrie being a ground control and Zap giving you powerful resets. Engage the enemy with the Inferno Dragon to destroy strong-armoured tanks and reinforce air support with Skeleton Dragons. Begin with placing Lava Hound in the back of your troops, then constructing push with Balloon and reinforcement troops. Also, be careful of Clash Royale decks with high-air attacks and use EVO Zap to deal with ground troops and destroy inferno towers.

5. Rapid Cycle Hogs

Rapid Cycle Hogs Cards Breakdown

  1. Evo Skeletons – 1 Elixir
  2. Evo Ice Spirit – 1 Elixir
  3. Royal Hogs – 5 Elixir
  4. Archer Queen – 5 Elixir
  5. Royal Delivery – 3 Elixir
  6. Earthquick – 3 Elixir
  7. Log – 2 Elixir
  8. Cannon – 3 Elixir

Average Cost: 2.9 Elixir

Winning Strategy

This control deck aims at creating value in trading Elixir and slowly whittling down the opponent’s tower using Miner and Poison. The Evo Tesla and Ice Spirit are very strong and versatile units that allow to tank a lot of damage, and the Prince is a powerful single-target nuker. This ability provides a new win condition with the Goblin Demolisher and is a strong knockback ability. Play cautiously, always keeping in mind the way to counter the opponent’s pushes. Employ Miner to deal with a small amount of damage to the tower and Poison for handling hordes and structures. It is a well-rounded deck that poses a threat in every matchup if played correctly and has some difficulty against air-based Clash Royale decks like Lavaloon.