GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Guide to Dave the Diver Collab Minigame 

GODDESS OF VICTORY NIKKE Guide to Dave the Diver Collab Minigame 

Goddess of Victory: NIKKE and Dave the Diver have launched a collaborative event on the 4th of July this year. This crossover event introduces a brand-new minigame that combines the gameplay of Dave the Diver with the characters and setting of NIKKE. This guide explains various aspects of this collaboration such as game mechanics, outfits and weapons, storyline, and similarities and comparison between the two individual games.

Introducing the Dave the Diver Minigame 

In this minigame, players will take control of NIKKE characters Anchor, Mast, and Helm as they dive into the underwater world of Dave the Diver. The objective is to collect various ingredients for Bancho, the sushi restaurant owner from the original Dave the Diver game, by exploring the depths of the ocean and catching different types of fish. The minigame features an 8-bit art style, which gives the NIKKE characters a retro, pixelated look as they navigate the underwater environment. Players need to carefully manage their depth and oxygen levels to avoid drowning and use their harpoon guns to capture the required fish.


Dave the Diver Minigame

Key Gameplay Mechanics 

Depth and Oxygen Management 

Controlling the characters’ oxygen level and diving depth is the primary gameplay mechanic. Players’ oxygen levels decrease as they descend farther because oxygen is used up more quickly. They must regularly return to the surface to replenish their oxygen supply at the diving bell stations in order to avoid this. Players can also significantly boost their oxygen supply levels by upgrading their diving outfit. 

Mastering the skill of creating a balance between diving deep to collect the required fish and resurfacing will help the players spend more time underwater and increase their efficiency in completing the objectives for sushi preparation.

Harpoon Fishing 

The primary method of collecting ingredients for Bancho’s sushi restaurant is by using a harpoon gun to catch various types of fish. Players will need to aim and time their shots carefully to successfully spear the fish, as different species have unique movement patterns and behaviors. 

Upgrading the harpoon gun is crucial, as it will increase the damage, range, and accuracy of the weapon, making it easier to capture the required fish. Players should prioritise upgrading the harpoon as their first priority to improve their fishing efficiency. 

Sushi Preparation 

In addition to catching the fish, players will also need to prepare sushi dishes for Bancho’s customers. This involves selecting the appropriate fish and arranging them on a plate in a specific order. Players must be mindful of the sushi preparation, as any unused prepared sushi will be discarded at the end of the day. 

Collaboration Outfits and Weapons 

To celebrate the crossover event, two new diving-themed outfits have been introduced for NIKKE characters Anchor and Mast. 

Anchor the Diver 

Anchor, a member of the Aegis squad, receives a free diving outfit that allows her to explore the underwater world more effectively. This costume is available to all players as part of the collaboration event. 

Mast the Diver 

Mast, another Aegis squad member, gets a premium scuba diving outfit that enhances her diving capabilities. This costume can be obtained through in-game purchases or as part of a special event bundle. 

In addition to the new outfits, the Dave the Diver minigame also introduces several unique weapons for the NIKKE characters to use: 

  • Curiosity: A mysterious firearm capable of firing a large amount of ammunition at once, perfect for exploring the sea. 
  • Glorious Strike: A sniper rifle made by Helm, designed specifically for diving and underwater combat. 
  • Treasure Hunter: A firearm used by Mast to catch fish more efficiently. 

Collaboration Storyline and Event 

The collaboration between Goddess of Victory: NIKKE and Dave the Diver is not just a standalone minigame; it is also integrated into the game’s overall narrative and events. 

The story begins with Dave and Bancho, the main characters from Dave the Diver, being drawn into the world of NIKKE by a mysterious force. This leads to the introduction of the new Dave the Diver-themed minigame, where players can explore the underwater environment and assist Bancho in his sushi restaurant. 

The collaboration event is further enhanced by the “Beauty Full Shot” summer event, which takes place concurrently. In this event, the player (the commander) and various NIKKE characters embark on a seaside vacation, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in the summer atmosphere and enjoy a variety of activities both on the surface and underwater. 

Dave the Diver Minigame Storyline

Comparison to the Original Dave the Diver Game 

For those familiar with the original Dave the Diver game, the NIKKE collaboration minigame offers a similar, yet more streamlined, diving and fishing experience. While the main Dave the Diver game features a more comprehensive and open-ended gameplay loop, the NIKKE minigame focuses on the core diving and sushi preparation mechanics, making it a more accessible and bite-sized experience for mobile players. 

One key difference is the introduction of the NIKKE characters and their unique abilities and weapons, which add a new and unseen layer of strategy and gameplay to the diving and fishing activities. Players can utilize the different skills and equipment of Anchor, Mast, and Helm to their advantage, creating a more dynamic and engaging underwater adventure. 


The NIKKE x Dave the Diver collaboration minigame offers a fresh and engaging underwater adventure. By blending the core diving and fishing mechanics with NIKKE’s anime-inspired characters and style, it provides a streamlined yet addictive mobile experience for fans of both franchises. With its intuitive controls and upgradeable gear, the minigame encourages repeated dives to master the depth and oxygen management while collecting ingredients for Bancho’s sushi restaurant. Whether you’re a NIKKE loyalist or just enjoy casual mobile gaming, the Dave the Diver crossover is a must-play that will keep you hooked for hours. Don’t forget to purchase Goddess of Victory: Nikke Gems from U7BUY for a smoother gameplay experience playing Dave the Diver crossover minigame.