Just How Much Do You Need to Focus on Your C.A.M.P. in Fallout 76?

fallout 76 camp

From the very get-go, Fallout 76 recommends that you build a C.A.M.P., your own little part of the wasteland that you can call your own. People buy Fallout 76 atoms cheap because they want to kit their C.A.M.P. out in the latest gear. But, just how important is the Fallout 76 camp to your gameplay experience? Let’s talk!

It is a Central Part of the Game

Almost all of Fallout 76 is built up around the idea that you’ll have a C.A.M.P. By having a C.A.M.P. you’ll:

  • Be following the actual story of the game, where the whole idea is to repopulate the area. In fact, the feature is tied heavily to the early story, where you literally cannot progress some quests unless you have a camp.
  • Having a camp is a free fast travel point, which will be incredibly useful during the early parts of the game where you’ll be struggling with caps.
  • You need a camp to make it easier to manage your gear and weapons (repairs, modifying, and building).
  • It won’t be long before you notice how heavy some items in the game are (especially junk). Use your C.A.M.P. storage box!

That’s just scratching the surface. Let’s talk more about the reasons why you need a C.A.M.P.

It Is Key to Resources

OK. You can get resources from various places in the game. Just loot the junk from various areas. However, you can use your Fallout 76 camp to produce other resources that you can then sell for caps (or use yourself), including purified water, fusion cores, and more.

If you set up your Fallout 76 camp locations properly, then you can have a steady stream of certain resources flowing in. These can be used to make caps in the game, or you can use them yourself.

It is Key to Gaining Caps

As soon as you’ve managed to get set up in the wasteland, we highly recommend that you put a vendor in your camp as it will help you to make caps.

The idea of a vendor is to encourage other players to come and buy your listed items from you. This can get rid of old items that you don’t need anymore (mostly ammo, as you’ll have a lot of ammo), sell plans, and even add to the social aspect of Fallout 76.

If you have a best Fallout 76 camp location, especially one that is in a good location for people to travel to, then you can end up making a huge amount of caps from your camp as people will love to swing by.

Quests are Hidden in the C.A.M.P.

We touched upon this earlier – but there are some quests that are tied to your camp. This includes some companion quests from the first expansion of the game (Wastelanders), and if you don’t have a C.A.M.P. to put down the companion table thing, then you’ll not be able to progress with certain storylines.

The Real End Game is Your C.A.M.P.

Once you’ve exhausted the various questlines in the game, and managed to get your Fallout 76 legendary weapons and gear, what do you do? Well, you start to build up your C.A.M.P. Sure, you can jump into the various events that the game has, but eventually those will become boring. This means that the endgame in Fallout 76 is literally working on your C.A.M.P. There’s hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of gameplay there. This includes the building aspect, as well as the actual going out and trying to get the best plans to make your C.A.M.P. look great.

Many of the players with huge amounts of time in the game are doing this.

Remember – you might want to buy Fallout First if you’re building a camp. While you don’t get an increased item budget for your camp, you do get unlimited storage space for your junk, which will make it easier to gather everything that you need to design a place that looks awesome to hang out in.

You Don’t Need to Make it Look Good

Remember – there’s no need to make the greatest looking C.A.M.P. in the world if you don’t want to. All you need to do is make it functional. There are some players who don’t like this gameplay, and you might be one of them. Just experiment a little. See if you like it. If you don’t, no issues. Just add the items that you need and use it as a fast travel spot.

Get More Value From Your C.A.M.P.

Remember – your C.A.M.P will look so much better if you make it look great. This is why we highly suggest that you get Fallout 76 caps for sale. You can use these caps to buy awesome vendor plans to add unique items.