All to Know About Mobile Legends Mages

On U7BUY, you can top up a ton of your favorite games to quickly get a head start or an extra pick-me-up. Top up MLBB today! Mages Mobile Legends are known for their Magic damage which is separate from regular damage as well as their ability to cast loads of spells with their own effects. This can make them a little overwhelming to play at first but can be really fun to play.

Magic Damage vs. Physical Damage

You can also find lists of ML accounts for sale now at U7BUY! ML Magic damage is in its own separate category from physical damage. The physical damage that other Mobile Legends characters do is equivalent to regular, raw damage with their effects being caused by the specific skills that they use. Magic damage however is a bit more different and complex as some opponents may be more affected by this damage than the physical one that other ML Heroes do.

While some Heroes are dealt more hurt by MLBB Magic damage, the opposite is also true. Because of this, its magic-based Mobile Legends Heroes may struggle more against other Mobile Legends Heroes so it’s best to have Heroes on your team that is able to do lots of raw physical damage to make up for this. Then there is what ML Magic damage is capable of.

When simply attacking without using any skills yet, Lifesteal can be activated. Lifesteal gives your Mobile Legends Hero the ability to steal the health from their opponent and apply it to themselves instead. When using magic-based skills, ML Spell Vamp is also activated which also helps restore any loss of health in battle.

The Qualities of a Mage

Buy MLBB redeem codes at U7BUY to get some great rewards quickly! Now that we have gone over what Magic damage is and does, let’s go over the Mage. Mobile Legends Mages are relatively known to be great at AOE or Area of Effect damage. This means that they have spells or attacks that are all based around hitting multiple enemies at once. They can also have great crowd control on the field due to some Mages being able to target enemies from afar like a MLBB Marksman Hero.

Also, thanks to the spells that Mages ML cast, some are more focused on casting status effects on enemies to also do better at crowd controlling them and manipulating situations for their team to handle and gain the advantage. However, it is best to be careful while fighting with them as most of them do not have the best health bars which is why they rely on Lifesteal or Spell Vamp.

Mage Examples

With the overall information gone over about Mages, now we can look into some pure Mage examples and how they work in matches. We will go over their skill sets, passive abilities, and more.

Nana – The Sweet Leonin

Despite being a pure Mage, Nana has some pretty good offense on her while still being able to control crowds as well. Her passive ability only activates whenever she takes a lot of damage almost like a sort of desperation move. This move called ‘Molina’s Gift’ removes all debuffs and makes Nana invincible for a short period. She will gain a 70% speed boost while also gaining a 10% maximum HP to make her even stronger.

Thanks to Nana’s passive ability, this makes her great for longstanding long battles. Nana’s main way of attacking though is through her magical boomerang. Her Magic Boomerang skill causes a special attack to be launched in a specific direction to cause a ton of Magic damage against any enemy that is unlucky to be hit.

Nana’s second skill called the ‘Molina Smooch’ will make Nana charge toward an enemy to not only do some hard Magic damage but also decrease their Magic defense and slow them down for a short period. Then we get to Nana’s Ultimate which is a huge blast of AOE damage to affect all enemies in the area! A true showcase of a Mage’s power.

Vale – The Windtalker

Mages like Vale are less offensive or focused on fighting, unlike Nana. For example, Vale’s passive ability increases his movement speed each time he gets a kill or assists another Hero on their team. His skills are also a lot more simple in how they work. His Wind Blades are launched from afar to hit his enemies with his Wind Blade skill. Both his passive and this skill can be used for crowd control and attack from far away. The reason why Vale’s abilities involve speed and attacking from afar is because his health is much lower compared to both Hero types and Mages that require more aggressive play styles like Nana. Skills like Windblow and his Ultimate Windstorm though do deal some more heavy Magic damage to help even things out.