Arena of Valor: All About Classes

In this 5v5 game, each player will control a character; these characters are called heroes. At the point of writing this guide, there are 117 heroes in Arena of Valor.

These Arena of Valor heroes are further divided into six different classes based on their abilities, playstyles and stats. The different classes in Arena of Valor are Marksman, Mage, Assassin, Tank, Warrior and Support.

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Now, back to our guide, let us take a look at all these different classes and understand their role in the game.


Marksmen are ranged heroes who are skilled at inflicting damage with their basic attacks. Although marksmen are not extremely durable, they can use their ranged attacks to their advantage and position themselves well out of the way of the enemy heroes.

These Arena of Valor heroes are not very effective during the early game, and they start very weak. But once they farm enough and buy the necessary items, they can become an unstoppable force during the late game, even as much as taking down an enemy tank hero on their own.


Next up, we have the Mage class. These are heroes who excel at dealing magic-based damage. They are also one of the most fun-to-play heroes.

Mages can deal heavy magic damage, and they are also great at dealing AOE damage. AOE means area of effect. They can deal damage to multiple enemies at the same time. These heroes are also equipped with great crowd-controlling abilities like stuns, slows, etc.

With these skill sets, they can not only deal damage but also disable the enemy heroes. Mages are effective throughout the game. During the early game, they can easily kill many heroes with their heavy burst damage; during the late game, their crowd-control abilities will come in handy.


Assassins are great at dealing heavy burst damage to single targets. They can quickly kill an enemy and get away safely thanks to their skillset, which gives them mobility.

This kind of playstyle makes Assassins naturally stronger against other classes like Supports, Mages and Marksmen. Assassins can be easily shut down with crowd-controlling abilities. Once you catch them off-guard, it is easy to kill them, as they lack any form of durability.

To become a master of this class, you must have proper game sense and map awareness. You need to choose your fights wisely and also learn when to fight. You cannot quickly burst down tanks and warriors and you need to have proper map awareness to find lone soft targets to quickly eliminate them and retreat to safety.


Tanks, as the name suggests, are durable heroes that excel at tanking enemy damage. Usually, tanks do not have the right skill set to deal heavy damage, but they have one of the best crowd-controlling abilities.

Tanks are usually found on the front lines during team fights; they are supposed to tank enemy damage while protecting squishier targets like Marskmen and Mages.

Their naturally strong defense, makes them a beginner-friendly class. Tanks start strong during the early game and can perform decently well throughout the game. But during the late game, you fall weak against classes like Marksmen and Warriors, as they start dealing heavy damage.

We have a guide exclusive to the best tank Arena of Valor heroes for you to pick from. Check out our Arena of Valor Heroes guide.


Warriors are heroes who are capable of dealing heavy damage while also being decently durable. They are not as durable as tanks, but they are designed in such a way that they can withstand high burst damage and be able to deal heavy damage back to their enemies.

Warriors excel at dealing damage at close ranges, putting them at a disadvantage against marksmen and mages. You can play aggressively and win most of the fights against Marksmen during the early to midgame, but you might fall off against a skilled ranged player during the late game.


Finally, we have one of the most important classes in the game, the Support. These are heroes who must constantly support their teammates while also using their crowd-control abilities to disable their enemies.

Support heroes are usually divided into two categories: enchanters and controllers.

Enchanters are very vulnerable against most damage dealers, like assassins, mages, warriors and marksmen. Their abilities are designed in such a way that they can heal, provide shield and empower their teammates.

Controllers, on the other hand, excel at crowd-controlling and can more or less survive by themselves, thanks to their tankiness.

Support heroes can usually be found laning alongside Marksmen, helping them to farm and stay alive until they become strong.


We hope this guide helped you understand the classes, their roles, strengths and weaknesses in Arena of Valor! At the end of the day, it is a team game and all classes have equal importance within the game. When all of these classes come together and fulfill their roles, you will ultimately win the game!

Did you enjoy reading our guide? You can find more similar guides on our blog. Also, read Arena of Valor Heroes to stay up-to-date on the current hero meta.