Beginner Tips For Punishing Gray Raven

As you take the fight to the Corrupted, you’ll want to know the best way to go about saving the earth. That being said, it can be daunting to find your way around the technicalities of Punishing: Gray Raven. Fortunately, we got you covered, and you don’t have to worry about spending too much on PGR top up either!

Understand how abilities work

While it’s tempting to run to the Punishing Gray Raven shop in the hopes of making things easier, you need to understand the gameplay mechanisms first. If you have had your first fight encounter in Punishing: Gray Raven, you’ll have noticed the circles, or orbs, on your screen. These come in red, yellow, and blue and represent the different abilities of your Construct.

Now you could tap a single orb to cause some damage, but if you trigger it while it’s next to another orb of the same color, you can dramatically increase the strength of your attack. Take this up to 3 orbs of the same color, and you’ll unleash what is known as a ping. This is just a fancy way to say that your attack will be really powerful.

Another concept to keep in mind is that of the matrix. This is a state triggered when you execute the perfect dodge on an enemy’s attack. Once you’re in the matrix, even your single orb attack will cause damage equal to that of a ping. Talk about turning the tables!

Make the best use of black cards

Black cards are one of the many different currencies available in the game. Once you’ve obtained these black cards, you can use them for a variety of different purposes by converting them into one of the following:

  • Basic Construct R&D Ticket: These are issued to the Executor Squads and used to access research facilities.
  • Event Construct R&D Ticket: These are used to research stronger and rarer S-ranked Constructs.
  • Target Weapon R&D Ticket: These are used to research weapons to upgrade your characters.

But how exactly do you get a hold of these black cards? Well, you could do this in a variety of ways, including through daily or weekly tasks, stories, limited-time events, and, of course, by topping up your PGR account.

Understanding the different Constructs

What’s the point of having multiple characters if they all play the same way? Fortunately, that’s not the case in Punishing: Gray Raven. Every character—or Construct, if we use the right terminology—has different skills, abilities, and character design. This helps keep the game fresh and interesting. We can categorize Constructs based on their role in the team:

  • Support: They won’t throw themselves into the line of fire, but they do play a vital role in battle. Their healing and buffering abilities can really tip the scales in their teammates’ favor.
  • Tank: They can really take a beating and help get the attackers a clear sight of the target to do their thing.
  • Attacker: Some may call them the star of the show as they are responsible for dealing the most damage to the enemy and winning the battle for their side.

Navigating the Story Menu

The first time you open up the story menu, you may be confused about how exactly to navigate it. In general, we can divide this menu into two parts.

The first part is the chapters that refer to the main story of the game. In case you need a recap, the earth was infected by the deadly Punishing Virus. This caused humans to turn into humanoids, referred to as the Corrupted. Your job as a Construct is to help your kind win back the earth.

The second section is known as the Interlude. These are essential for you to play if you want to know the backstory behind each of the Constructs on the Gray Raven team. Surely you’re at least a tiny bit curious to know what happened to the Constructs in the past to make them the way they are in the game!

Keep an eye out for the different missions

There are many different quests and missions in PGR, which can help you level up quickly and progress through the game much faster. These include the following:

  • Rookie Missions: Beginners should take part in this 7-day event.
  • Daily Missions: As the name suggests, these consist of day-to-day tasks such as purchasing black cards and logging in.
  • Weekly Missions: Similar to daily missions except for the complexity and timing. May include tasks such as accumulating a certain number of points.
  • Mentor-Student Missions: Players can select mentors, who will then assign some objectives.