Beginners Guide to Trial of Ascension: Summoners War

Welcome, Summoners, to the ultimate Trial of Ascension beginner’s guide. It is a must for all the new players of Summoners War to finish this PVE event to get special rewards and a lot of crystals and summoning stones.

In the article, I’ll explain everything you need to know about the Trial of Ascension—what it is, what you get for completion, and which teams are best for newer players in ToA.

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What is the Trial of Ascension in the Summoners War?

Trial of Ascension is a PvE event in Summoners War. Once you reach level 15, you will gain access to this feature.

Currently, ToA has two difficulties: normal mode and hard mode. These game modes reset once every month and they give tons and tons of rewards, like crystals, energy, scrolls, and a lot more.

Here’s how this PvE event works: The Trial of Ascension is a 100-floor tower. Each floor contains a wave of monsters that you must defeat. The difficulty and the amount of energy required keep increasing the more you progress through these levels.

At the end of each wave, you must confront and defeat the boss. The boss is frequently accompanied by a few more minions, and it is up to the players to destroy those minions or the boss directly.

As mentioned, the ToA resets once every month; whenever it happens, these monsters are jumbled among the floors. This means that the monster you found on a particular floor in the previous event may not be on the same floor after the reset. Only the order in which they appear will be changed; the monsters will remain the same.

However, there is a pattern to these bosses. The bosses found in stages 1–30 will only be rotated among the first 30 floors and cannot be found on higher levels.

Bosses from stages 31–90 are rotated on floors 31–90 and cannot be found on the lower of the higher levels.

Though you cannot predict the order, you know what kind of bosses you will be facing in the next 30 levels. So, be prepared and plan a way to fight through the 30 stages every time.

Trial of Ascension Rewards

By finishing each floor of this PvE event, you can get rewards ranging from summoning stones and crystals to monsters and amazing scrolls. The actual good stuff starts at Stage 10 and you will get a reward for every 10 stages or floors.

Check out the table below for a better understanding:

Stages 1-40RewardsStages 50-100Rewards
Common Stage1x Summoning StoneStage 502x Mystical Scrolls
Every 5 StagesCrystalsStage 601x Rainbowmon 5-star
Stage 1050x EnergyStage 701x Devilmon
Stage 201x Rainbowmon 4-starStage 80300x Crystals
Stage 301x Mystical ScrollStage 901x Light and Darkness Scroll
Stage 40100x CrystalsStage 1001x Legendary Scroll

The Best Beginner-Friendly Summoners War ToA Teams

The crowd-control team

2A Spectra, Veromos, Loren, Verdehile and Fran.

2A Spectra: Your A2 Special Assault deals damage based on the target’s maximum HP. A good skill to use against bosses, your A3, gives you a 50% chance to decrease the attack bar of all the enemies by 30% and decreases their attack speed and attack power for 2 turns.

Veromos: We need him for his A2, another damage dealer based on the enemy’s MAX HP. Along with the damage, you have a 40% chance to stun the enemy and if the stun fails, you decrease their attack bar by 50% with a 100% chance—a perfect fit for a crowd-control team with damage-dealing potential.

Loren: One of the best debuffers in the game. You can reduce the enemy’s attack speed, remove their buffs, decrease their attack bar, and also break the enemy’s defense. What else do we need in a CC team?

Verdehile: Verdehile has a good skill set in general. He deals a lot of damage with his critical rate bonus and also increases the attack bar of all his allies, thanks to his passive ability.

Fran: Finally, we need the Light Fairy Queen to keep our team alive. She is generally a good choice to have on most of the teams.

Crowd-controlling is one of the most important aspects to have in ToA and this team is so easy to achieve. However, if you’re looking for something different, I have a DoT or continuous damage team to suggest.

The DoT/Continous damage team

Continuous damage or damage over time is a great damage-dealing ability to use against targets with a lot of HP, since this damage is 5% of the target’s maximum HP. This damage ignores armor and also stacks up to 10 times.

Thrain, Sath, Raoq, Tatu, and Jeanne make up a good DoT team. This team is effective at clearing waves but keep in mind that the floor bosses from ToA are immune to damage over time effects and the same goes for continuous damage too.

The minions of the floor bosses can easily be cleared with damage over time, so defeating the boss is possible even with this continuous damage team.

If you’re looking for more such great monster recommendations, I suggest that you check out the Summoners War tier list on our blog.