Best Epic Brawler in Brawl Stars (August 2024)

best epic brawler in brawl stars

Along with introducing two new Brawl Stars brawlers, Clancy (mythic) and Berry (epic), the most recent patch of Brawl Stars has brought in reworks to the brawlers and a few new hypercharges. What does this mean for us? This changes the existing rankings of the brawlers. Especially when a brawler gets their new hypercharge, there are instances where the brawler jumps from C-tier to directly A-tier or even S-tier.

While it is true that every brawler is unique in their own way and the concept of rarities doesn’t really mean much in Brawl Stars anymore, I feel like the Brawl Stars epic brawlers are a balance of everything. There are some really amazing brawlers in this rarity, and every player must try to get their hands on them.

This is why I am bringing you the updated Tier List for the best epic Brawler in Brawl Stars. Aren’t you curious about where we’re going to rank the newest epic brawler, Berry? Buy Brawl Stars gems from our store, top up your account, and get ready to unlock these brawlers and start dominating the game!

Brawl Stars Epic Brawlers Tier List

Let us now take a look at what each tier means and also learn about why exactly these Brawl Stars epic brawlers are ranked in their respective tiers!

S Tier Epic Brawlers

S-tier brawlers are currently on top of their game. These are the best of the best epic brawlers in Brawl Stars and you can also think of them as being a bit overpowered. These are also the brawlers that decide the current meta: Angelo, Berry, Colette, and Frank.

Yep, Berry made it to the S-tier. This brand-new brawler is not to be underestimated. Since he is new, not many people are aware of this amazing brawler. He is a support brawler with low health, high damage output, and amazing healing abilities. The ranking might change in the future since this brawler is still new, but for now, Berry is S-tier.

Brawl Stars Frank is currently the best epic brawler and the second-best brawler in the entire game. First is Clancy, a mythic brawler, so we’re not including him in our Brawl Stars epic brawlers list. 

In the recent update, Frank has received some great changes. His attack speed now increases with the percentage of health lost and most importantly, he received an amazing hypercharge called Seismic Smash. When activated, Frank’s super hits all the enemies around him and he also gains a 26% speed boost, a 5% damage boost, and a 25% shield boost, making him an S-tier brawler.

A Tier Epic Brawlers

Next up, we have the A-tier brawlers. These brawlers are really great in this meta and are also one of the most-picked ones. Some of these epic brawlers can even rival the S-tier in a few scenarios. However, these brawlers are not as overpowered or broken as the S-tier: Belle, Bibi, Emz, Gale, Griff, Larry & Lawrie, Mandy, and Piper.

Emz is another brawler to receive a new hypercharge. Her hypercharge is called Overhyped Haze, and when activated, it allows Emz’s next super to push nearby enemies away from her and also sends a wave of spray around her. She also gains a 26% speed boost, a 25% damage boost, and a 5% shield boost during this.

Gale and Piper have also received new hypercharges of their own and they are now more viable than ever. Remember how I said in the beginning that the addition of a hypercharge would drastically change the brawler’s ranking? Here it is.

Brawl Stars Mandy has received a major buff in this patch. Her supercharge rate from the main attack has been changed from 5 to 4 ammo (2 after a 1x Super Hit). You will now be able to charge her super ability a lot quicker than usual.

B Tier Epic Brawlers

Now, we have the B-tier brawlers. These epic brawlers are not bad by any means; in fact, they are very viable in a few of the maps and are fairly decent in the current meta but they’re not so consistent. You will always be better off going for an S-tier or an A-tier pick over these brawlers any day. Think of these brawlers as situational picks: Bea, Edgar, Nani, Pam, Pearl, and Stu.

None of these brawlers have received any changes in the recent patch. These brawlers have been in similar rankings for quite some time.

Brawlers like Pam, Pearl, or Bea are solid and can get the job done. Pearl is still a great damage-dealing brawler, Pam is still a good brawler to have on the team for her healing tech and Bea is definitely a good brawler to counter the tanks. But what I’m saying is that there are better healers, damage dealers, and anti-tanks in the higher tiers, so picking any of these B-tier brawlers becomes completely situational.

C Tier Epic Brawlers

Finally, we have the C-tier brawlers. These brawlers are so limited when it comes to maps and they do not counter many brawlers but are, in return, countered by many. I’m not saying that these brawlers are at the bottom of the barrel; it’s just that I don’t see any reason to pick any of them in the current meta. Stay away from unlocking these brawlers and do not waste your time or resources on them: Ash, Bo, Bonnie, Grom, Hank, Lola, Maisie, and Sam.

Similar to the B-tier, most of these epic brawlers haven’t received any changes recently and it feels stale and boring to play with them.

The only two brawlers to receive a change in the recent patch from this list are Hank and Maisie. Both of them have received buffs but that doesn’t really change their ranking.

Hank’s health increased from 5400 to 5600.

Maisie’s supercharge gained from super increased from 112 to 125.


This brings us to the end of our epic brawlers tier list. These are my picks for the best epic brawlers in Brawl Stars.

The rankings of these brawlers will change with future updates and patches, especially the rankings of new brawlers like Berry, so make sure to keep an eye out on our blog for all the latest Brawl Stars updates.

If you don’t already have these brawlers unlocked on your account, you’re missing out a lot. Make sure to check out Brawl Stars accounts on our store and buy one to skip the hassle of grinding to unlock these epic brawlers. You can buy awesome accounts with all your favorite brawlers and great skins for the best prices ever!