Best Valorant Female Characters

The acclaimed FPS game Valorant has captivated gamers with its fierce battles and made waves in the gaming community. In the arena, every move and decision is crucial. It’s no longer just about skill but about who you bring to the fight and how you manage your Valorant points.

We’ll meet the best Valorant female characters in three categories: most stylish, most powerful, and best handling. So you’d better stick around to learn more. This might be a good time to buy Valorant account with exclusive skins and high ranks from U7BUY.

How Many Female Agents Are in Valorant?

The impressive roster of Valorant female characters now stands at 12, making up half of the total agents in the game. This milestone is thanks to Clove, the latest Valorant girl to join the ranks in the 8.09 patch. Now, let’s jump into our three categories of stellar Valorant women without further delay.


Most Stylish Valorant Women

This is where fashion meets firepower. These stellar Valorant girls dominate the battlefield with their guns and iconic looks. Let’s meet the most fashionable Valorant girl characters.

1. Neon Valorant

Role: Duelist

You’ll surely notice this Valorant girl’s high-fashion aesthetics from a mile away on the battlefield. Neon will brighten up your gaming sessions with her colorful outfits and gorgeous neon hairdos. On top of that, she’s great for players who prefer a fast and aggressive playstyle.

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2. Killjoy

Role: Sentinel

Adding a modern-tech vibe to Valorant’s roster of fashionable female characters is Killjoy. Her arsenal of deployable gadgets makes her a force to be reckoned with, while her bright and lively attire enhances her distinctive flair.

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3. Valorant Viper

Role: Controller

Next on this roster of impressive Valorant women is Viper. Her sleek, perilous aesthetics and smoky green eyes make her the embodiment of fierce fashion. However, she’s more than just looks; her toolkit of powerful abilities is designed to take control of sites and give her teammates a strategic advantage, making her as dangerous as she is stylish.

Best Handling Valorant Female Agents

We now enter a category of Valorant women skilled at handling the battlefield with finesse and turning the tides of combat. These Valorant girls will stay a step ahead of your competition, which will bring you a step closer to victory.

1. Sage Valorant

Role: Sentinel

This is one Valorant girl you’ll need in your team. “Why?” you ask. Her skill set is straightforward and comes with two healing abilities: ‘Healing Orb’ that’ll heal Sage and her surrounding teammates, and her ultimate ability, ‘Resurrection’ that’ll revive a downed ally with full health.

This strategic healer can do all this while limiting enemy movement, bringing the odds in your favor.

2. Skye

Role: Initiator

Skye is another team player in this category of Valorant female characters. Her nature-themed abilities and balanced playstyle make her a great pick. Her abilities are also easy to understand, making her easy to use.

Skye’s ‘Regrowth’ ability can heal allies while her Ultimate ‘Seekers’ seeks enemies and exposes them, granting your team easy frags.

3. Fade

Role: Initiator

Fade is a stellar valorant agent who can easily take control of the battlefield. Her ‘Prowler’ and ‘Nightfall’ abilities are tailored to deafen, near sight, decay, and expose enemies. She might be among the best handling Valorant girl characters, but to fully utilize her toolkit, players need to possess a certain skill level. Once you have that, it’ll be smooth sailing from there.

Most Powerful Female Valorant Characters

This last category showcases Valorant female agents that wield unmatched power. These Valorant girls have the ability to change the course of play on the battlefield. Without further ado, let’s see which Valorant women made the cut.

1.Valorant Reyna

Role: Duelist

This Mexican duelist radiates strength on the battlefield with her deadly abilities. Her signature ability, ‘Devour,’ lets her feed on enemies’ souls, replenishing her health. This makes her self-sufficient and difficult to defeat.

What makes her one of the most potent female Valorant characters is her Ultimate ability, ‘Empress,’ which provides buffs to firing speed, equip speed, and reload speed. Additionally, she becomes invincible and her ‘Devour’ ability is also activated.

2. Jett Valorant

Role: Duelist

Jett Valorant is known for her agility, speed, and deadly abilities, earning her a spot among the best valorant girl characters in this category.  Her signature ability ‘Tailwind’ is perfect for peeking and can also propel her out of trouble. Pair this with the ‘Updraft’ ability, and she’ll easily outwit any enemy.

Jett’s Ultimate ability, ‘Blade Storm,’ stands out in her toolkit because it equips her with throwing knives that she can use to eliminate enemies in a flash, making her extremely lethal.

3. Raze

Role: Duelist

Looks like Duelists dominate this category, with Raze wrapping it up with a bang. Speaking of bangs, Raze is a Valorant girl with an explosive kit that’s sure to make the battlefield—and your foes—tremble. Raze’s ‘Boom Bot’ will track down, lock onto, and explode, damaging your enemies.

Combine her ‘Boom Bot’ and ‘Paintshells’ abilities, and you’ll get an explosive outcome that’ll draw out enemies from tight spots. However, none of these other abilities come close to what her ultimate ability, ‘Showstopper,’ can do.

It equips Raze with a rocket blaster capable of dealing massive damage within a wide radius. There’s no escaping this ultimate, which makes this Valorant girl a strong contender in this category.


We’ve gone through the three Valorant character female categories and seen how different Valorant women impact their respective roles. If you enjoyed that (and we know you probably did), check out the other exciting gaming content on U7BUY. Happy gaming!