Dark and Darker Slayer Fighter Guide – Build, Stats, and More

Dark and Darker Slayer Fighter Guide - Build, Stats, and More

This guide is designed to help you understand and become better at the Slayer Fighter build in Dark and Darker. Everything about this build, such as skills, perks, stat priorities, weapons, and armor, will be covered by this guide. The flexibility of Weapon Mastery and Slayer is channelled into a weapon-focused build for the Fighter class specializing in duel wielding for maximization of Slayer potential. Though it can be modified slightly for other maps, this build works best on the Goblin Caves solo map.

Building your Dark and Darker Slayer Fighter


Sprint and Adrenaline Rush are crucial skills for a Slayer Fighter build. For instance, when running away or pursuing an opponent sprinting is necessary while adrenal rush boosts your damage enabling you to destroy enemies quickly. These skills are essential because they allow you to maintain the fighting style that a slayer fighter should have- aggressive as well as highly mobile.

With sprint activated, there is suddenly speed where death otherwise would have been certain; raiden’s attack speed is multiplied many times over by adrenaline rush turning him into a glowing blur of destruction within melee range alone. By mastering these two abilities though, one becomes formidable since they control every aspect of encounters within them.


For this build, the most recommended perks are Double Attack, Executioner, Combo Hitter and Projectile Shield. These two latter abilities are the primary ones that ensure that the build is as powerful as it can be. The ability to wield weapons in both hands at a faster rate is increased with double attack whereas Executioner adds 5 points of weapon damage when dual wielding; however, you cannot wear plate armor if you have slayer on.

Additionally, combo hitter increases your attack speed per subsequent hit while projectile shield will offer greater protection for ranged attacks. The last perk is optional and anyone may replace it depending on his preferences or style of play. Use of these two perks changes your soldier into a high damage dealer who makes use of dual wield while combo hitter goes hand in hand with quick successive blows from double wielding which allows for nonstop fight against enemies around him/her. A projectile shield is what saves one’s life in case there are a lot of enemies using distant weapons.

Dark and Darker Slayer Fighter Skills and Perks

Stat Priority

For the Slayer Fighter, the main stat to concentrate on is +All Attributes that boosts different aspects of your character. Vitality helps you increase your physical power as well as health while Mite allows boosting movement speed and attack speed which are necessary for any dual-wielding build. These three characteristics should be balanced properly to have a strong and versatile warrior.

Weapon Damage together with other Physical Damage modifiers must also be considered first to ensure that your offense capabilities are maximized. An all-rounded approach on stats guarantees that the fighter will kill fast and not die easily, being able to withstand the high action battles required by this build. Furthermore, Strength ensures powerful blows whereas Agility provides swift maneuverability through battlefield survival tactics such as avoidance of hits and quick repositioning.

Choosing your Gear


The Slayer Fighter is dependent on the use of twin weapons. The kind of weapons that you can choose depends on the types of enemies you are going to be up against. This may include pairing an Arming Sword with a Short Sword for example. On the other hand, having a Flanged Mace in your main hand can be extremely useful since it offers all-in-one armor penetration as well as fast attack speed.

The weapon selection flexibility enables you to custom build your character for diverse fighting situations. A combination of speed and damage makes Arming Sword versatile enough to work in most cases while Short Sword is effective with quick strikes that maintain consistent pressure on your enemy. The armor-piercing property in Flanged Mace works well against heavier armored adversaries; thus, allowing one to face various opponents.


The slayer fighter’s preferred armor focuses on balancing protection and movement velocity. You can successfully balance this by combining some pieces of cloth and leather armor. Take into account wearing the Leather Cap, Doublet, Lightfoot Boots/Rugged Boots, Leather Gloves and Loose Trousers. This set up is good because it maintains your speed while giving you optimum defensive resistance.

Make sure to select an armor that matches the build’s stat priorities so as to maximize combat efficiency. By wearing the right type of armor, you can still be agile enough to survive in melee battles. When using these boots, it will improve your speed thereby enabling effective maneuverability while Doublet plus leather cap give essential defenses without hindrance to movements.

Dark and Darker Slayer Fighter Gear

How to Play the Slayer Fighter Build

The Dark and Darker slayer fighter build is more about being fast and aggressive especially in small spaces like goblin caves. Unlike tank-like fighters, they are not powerful but quick on their feet thus rely on rapid attacks to bring down the enemies.

The strategy in here is very simple: sprint at enemies, unleash a whirlwind of blows with adrenaline pump, and focus on maximizing melee damage per second. As such, when you mix raw aggression with strategic movement, the slayers are excellent one-on-one situations which makes it ideal for soloing. Their mobility combined with their high rates of attack means that they make good duellists as well.


Dark and Darker features a Slayer Fighter build that is fast, fierce and compelling as a substitute for the basic fighter class. Primarily designed for solo plays, this build works particularly well in Goblin Caves but can also be easily modified for other situations. A Slayer Fighter who capitalizes on speed of movement, attack rates and judiciously chosen onslaughts emerges top among the one-on-one fighters. Don’t forget to purchase Dark and Darker Gold from U7BUY to make your perfect slayer fighter build.