Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Guide to the New Spiritborn Class

Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Guide to the New Spiritborn Class

The introduction of the Diablo 4 Spiritborn class has gained a lot of attraction from gamers worldwide for quite some time now. This guide aims to discuss the Vessel of Hatred system, which is crucial for mastering the Spiritborn and provides a comprehensive overview to help you harness the full potential of this powerful class.

Understanding the Spiritborn Class

The Spiritborn class is a versatile and dynamic addition to Diablo 4, blending elements of nature magic, spiritual energy, and shapeshifting. Unlike traditional classes, the Spiritborn thrives on its connection to the natural world and the spirits that inhabit it. This class offers a unique playstyle, emphasising adaptability and strategic thinking.

Key Attributes and Skills

  • Spirit Energy: The primary resource for the Spiritborn, Spirit Energy, fuels their abilities. Managing this resource efficiently is crucial for maximising your effectiveness in combat.
  • Shapeshifting: The Spiritborn can transform into various animal forms, each offering distinct advantages. The most common forms include the bear (for tanking and melee combat) and the wolf (for speed and agility).
  • Nature Magic: The Spiritborn harnesses the power of nature to cast spells. This power can heal allies, summon creatures, or devastate enemies with elemental forces.
  • Spiritual Affinity: This attribute enhances the Spiritborn’s connection to the spirit world, boosting their spells and shapeshifting abilities.
Diablo 4 Spiritborn Guide

The Vessel of Hatred System

The Vessel of Hatred system is an innovative mechanic unique to the Spiritborn class. This system revolves around the accumulation and management of Hatred, a powerful but volatile energy that can greatly enhance the Spiritborn’s abilities if used wisely.

Accumulating Hatred

Hatred is generated through various in-game actions, primarily by dealing damage to enemies and taking damage yourself. Certain abilities and items can also increase Hatred generation. However, accumulating too much Hatred without releasing it can have detrimental effects, leading to uncontrolled outbursts that can harm both the Spiritborn and their allies.

Releasing Hatred

To effectively manage Hatred, the Spiritborn must release it through special abilities known as Vessels. Each Vessel serves a different purpose, from offensive strikes to defensive manoeuvres, and even healing. Balancing the accumulation and release of Hatred is key to mastering the Spiritborn class.

Key Vessels and Their Uses

  • Vessel of Fury: This offensive Vessel unleashes a devastating AoE attack, dealing huge damage to all enemies within range. It’s best used when surrounded by multiple foes.
  • Vessel of Resilience: A defensive Vessel that absorbs incoming damage for a short period, converting it into Spirit Energy. This ability is crucial for surviving intense battles and maintaining your offensive capabilities.
  • Vessel of Renewal: A healing Vessel that restores health to the Spiritborn and nearby allies. This Vessel is essential for prolonged engagements and supporting your team.
  • Vessel of Ancestral Power: This Vessel summons ancestral spirits to assist you in combat, which provides additional firepower and draws enemy attention away from you.

Building Your Spiritborn

When building your Diablo 4 Spiritborn, it’s essential to keep in mind your playstyle and the responsibility you want to fulfil in your party. Here are some tips to help you create an effective build:

Offensive Build

For players who prefer an aggressive playstyle, focusing on abilities and items that increase Hatred generation and enhance your offensive Vessels is crucial. Prioritise skills like Spirit Claw and Savage Roar, which deal significant damage and generate substantial Hatred.

Equip items that boost your attack power and critical hit chance to maximise your damage output.

Defensive Build

If you lean towards a tanky playstyle, prioritise abilities that enhance your survivability and defensive Vessels. Skills like Iron Hide and Stone Form increase your resilience and reduce incoming damage. Equip items that boost your health, armour, and damage reduction to withstand even the toughest encounters.

Support Build

For a support-oriented playstyle, focus on abilities that heal and protect your allies. Skills like Nature’s Embrace and Healing Winds provide crucial support in team battles. Equip items that increase your healing effectiveness and reduce cooldowns on your support abilities.

Diablo 4 Spiritborn Gameplay

Tips and Strategies for Mastering the Spiritborn

  • Balance Hatred Accumulation and Release: Managing Hatred is critical to avoiding detrimental outbursts and maximising your effectiveness. Keep an eye on your Hatred levels and release it strategically using Vessels.
  • Adapt to Situations: The Spiritborn’s strength lies in its versatility. You need to keep switching between animal forms and abilities based on the combat situation to maintain an advantage.
  • Utilise Your Surroundings: Exploit the environment around you. Lure enemies into traps, use the terrain for taking cover, and position yourself strategically during battles.
  • Coordinate with Your Team: As a Spiritborn, you can fulfil multiple roles in a team. Use a playstyle that complements their strengths and covers their weaknesses.

Advanced Techniques

  • Chain Reactions: Some Spiritborn abilities can trigger chain reactions when combined. For example, using Vessel of Fury followed by Spirit Claw can create a devastating combo, dealing immense damage to a group of enemies.
  • Spirit Link: In this technique, you need to link your spirit with a teammate and share buffs and debuffs. It plays a major role in maximising your team’s overall effectiveness.
  • Environmental Manipulation: Use environmental skills like Wind Gust and Earthquake to take control of the battlefield and obtain a tactical edge.


The Diablo 4 Spiritborn class offers a unique and dynamic playstyle, combining elements of nature magic, shapeshifting, and strategic resource management through the Vessel of Hatred system. By understanding the key attributes, skills, and Vessels, and tailoring your build to your preferred playstyle, you can master this powerful class and become a formidable force in Sanctuary.

Whether you choose to play as an offensive powerhouse, a resilient tank, or a supportive healer, the Spiritborn class provides endless possibilities for customization and adaptation. Embrace the spirit within, harness the power of nature, and let your Hatred fuel your journey through the dark and treacherous world of Diablo 4. Also, don’t forget to purchase Diablo 4 Gold from U7BUY for a smoother gameplay experience with the Spiritborn Class.