Dota 2 Juggernaut Guide

dota 2 juggernaut guide

Juggernaut is one of those few Dota 2 agility heroes that can perform great right from early game to late game.

Most late-game carries have a hard early game and heavily rely on their pos4 or 5 to support them through the laning phase. But when it comes to Juggernaut, his kit is designed in such a way that he can dish out some of the greatest damage during the early game and also has a healing ability to sustain himself.

In this guide, let us learn everything about Juggernaut: his innate ability, facets, skills, and how to use them effectively. We will also take a quick look at the recommended skill and item build and a few tips and tricks in the end.

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Dota 2 Juggernaut abilities and skills

Duelist: This is an innate ability, added in the recent patch. This passive ability allows Juggernaut to deal 10% more damage to the targets facing him. This bonus also works with his ultimate 100% of the time.

Blade Fury: Juggernaut spins around with his sword, dealing amazing AOE damage. He can move while using this ability, gaining immunity to debuffs and giving him an 80% magic resistance. This can be upgraded with an Aghanim’s Shard to increase the spell’s radius and apply a 35% slow on the enemies.

This is your early-game damage ability. It can be used to last-hit, harass enemies, farm jungle creeps, and use it as an escape ability throughout the game.

Healing Ward: Summon a handy healing ward that heals all allies in a 400-unit radius for 25 seconds. You can also control the ward’s movement.

This is the ability I was talking about—how Juggernaut can sustain himself in the lane. You can get this ward to follow you. It moves at a decent 325-movement speed and heals a lot.

Blade Dance: A passive ability that allows Juggernaut to have a 35% chance to deal a critical hit.

When you max out this ability, you will deal 190% bonus damage whenever you land a critical hit.

Omnislash: The Juggernaut becomes invulnerable and slashes the target and nearby enemies for heavy damage.

This is your ultimate ability and you need to know how to use it properly. Juggernaut also jumps to nearby creeps to hit them when using this ability, making it a waste of opportunity. When used on a single hero unit, this ability, most of the time, grants you a kill.

Swiftslash: This ability can be unlocked by purchasing an Aghanim’s Scepter. This is a 1-second Omnislash.

Juggernaut Facets

Facets, too, are part of the new update; you get to choose one of the facets during the hero-picking phase.

  • Bladestorm: This facet allows Bladefury to deal critical hits based on the level of Blade Dance.
  • Bladeform: This facet passively grants Juggernaut a bladeform stack for every 2 seconds as long as he is not taking any damage. Each stack grants him 2% agility and 1% movement speed. This can stack up to 10 times.

Recommended skill build and item build

When it comes to skill building, start by taking 1 point in Bladefury at level 1, 1 point in Blade Dance at level 2, and 1 point in Healing Ward at level 4. Prioritize maxing out Bladefury first and then Blade Dance.

You can max out Healing Ward at the end and take your ultimate ability whenever it is available, i.e., levels 6, 12, and 18.

The most commonly purchased items on Juggernaut are Phase Boots, Maelstrom (later upgraded to Mjollnir), Sange and Yasha or Manta Style, BKB, Abyssal Blade, Butterfly and Aghanim’s Scepter.

Just like most heroes, there is no fixed item build for Juggernaut; sometimes you might need to buy situational items against a few heroes and items, like a Linken’s Sphere against strong unit target spells, a nullifier to dispel a target, or even a blink dagger to initiate or escape.

Once you play the game enough, you will gain the experience to make these decisions.

I recommend following the in-game guide by Torte de Lini and checking out the core items and situational items in his guide. You can also follow the skill build and talent tree build from his in-game guide.

Tips and tricks for Juggernaut

For early-game kills, lane with heroes like Crystal Maiden, Vengeful Spirit, Lich, Ogre, and others with stuns and slows. A combination of their crowd control ability and your Blade Fury will deal massive damage during the early game.

Take full advantage of Blade Fury when farming neutral creeps; learn how to stack creeps to farm much faster.

It takes only 1 hit to destroy the healing ward, so make sure to put it in a safe place.

Juggernaut’s ultimate ability can be countered with invisibility or ethereal form, so use it accordingly. Dust, gems, or wards counter invisibility, and the nullifier will counter Ghost Scepter and other ethereal forms.

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