Elden Ring Confessor Class Guide

Elden Ring Confessor Class Guide

Hey there, Tarnished adventurers, both new and battle-scarred! Want to rule the lands with a super cool mix of holy magic and sword fighting? Then, the Elden Ring Confessor class is your best bet! This guide is your ultimate battle buddy, filled with all the necessary information to become a Confessor legend. This Elden Ring Cofessor guide teaches you everything you need to know to be a total warrior-priest. So grab your long sword and magic thingy (seal), Tarnished, because it’s time to change your destiny!

Introduction to Elden Ring Confessor Class

The Confessor class in Elden Ring is a versatile hybrid, blending robust melee skills with potent faith-based magic. As a Confessor, you can effectively wield swords and cast healing and offensive spells. This makes the class ideal for players seeking a balanced playstyle that combines physical combat with magical prowess.

Confessor Starter Kit: Holy Warrior Essentials

Just starting as a Confessor? You’re a tough fighter who can also use magic! Here’s a quick look at your starting stats:

  • Health (Vigor): Take a few hits early on (10 points).
  • Focus (Mind): Cast spells often? Invest here later (13 points).
  • Stamina (Endurance): Dodge and attack without getting tired (10 points).
  • Strength: Use various weapons and deal good physical damage (12 points).
  • Dexterity: Swing your sword faster and land more hits (12 points).
  • Magic Stuff (Int & Arc): Not super important now (9 points each).
  • Faith: Your magic core! Fuels healing, holy blasts, and buffs (14 points).

Your starting equipment includes:

  • Broadsword: A reliable and balanced melee weapon.
  • Blue Crest Heater Shield: A solid shield with good defence.
  • Finger Seal: A catalyst for casting incantations.
  • Confessor Armour Set: Provides decent protection and mobility.
Elden Ring Confessor Armor Set

Building Your Confessor

Attribute Allocation

As you progress, allocating your attribute points wisely is crucial for an effective Confessor build. Focus on these key attributes:

  • Faith: Prioritize boosting faith to enhance the power of your incantations.
  • Strength and Dexterity: Balance these to improve your proficiency in melee combat.
  • Vigor: Increase vigor to raise your health and ensure better survivability in battles.
  • Mind:Invest in mind to expand your FP (focus points), allowing you to cast more spells.
  • Endurance: Enhance endurance to improve stamina, enabling more attacks and mobility.

Incantations and Spells

Elden Ring Confessors can wield a range of incantations for healing, buffing, and dealing with damage. Here are some key incantations you should consider:

  • Heal: A fundamental yet essential spell that replenishes your health.
  • Lightning Spear: Zap your enemies from afar with a blast of holy lightning! This powerful incantation throws a lightning spear at them.
  • Blessing’s Boon: This helpful spell slowly heals you over time, giving you a little health boost when you need it most during a fight.
  • Wrath of Gold: A powerful area-of-effect spell that significantly damages nearby enemies.

Combat Strategies

Melee Combat

Lots of enemies coming at you, Confessor? No sweat! Here’s how to smash them all!

  • Use Your Shield: The Blue Crest Heater Shield is great for blocking attacks. It can also defend against enemy strikes and create openings for counterattacks.
  • Combo Creator: Don’t just button mash! Alternate between light and heavy attacks to keep enemies guessing and maximize the damage you deal.
  • Parry Master: Become a deflection champion! Learn to parry enemy attacks with your shield, then unleash a devastating riposte (counterattack) for some serious payback. This will leave them stunned and begging for mercy (or, more likely, another holy beatdown).

Healing and Buffing

A key advantage of the Elden Ring Confessor class is their ability to heal and buff both themselves and their allies:

  • Heal Between Fights: Use healing incantations to restore your health between battles, saving your Flasks of Crimson Tears for critical moments.
  • Buff Before Bosses: Cast buffs like Blessing’s Boon before entering boss fights to gain an extra advantage.
  • Support Your Allies: In co-op play, use your incantations to heal and buff your teammates, making you a valuable support character in your group.
Elden Ring Confessor Combats

Best Equipment for Confessors


While your starting Elden Ring Confessor Armor Set is well-balanced, upgrading to better armour as you progress is beneficial:

  • Crucible Tree Armor: Provides excellent protection while maintaining good mobility.
  • Radahn’s Armour: Offers high defence and poise, ideal for absorbing hits in melee combat.
  • Drake-Knight Armour: A lighter option that still provides solid defence and complements the Confessor’s aesthetic.

Holy Arsenal Boosters: Top Talismans for Confessors

Talismans are like mini-champions you wear! Each one grants a special perk. Here are some that’ll turn Confessor into a holy wrecking machine:

  • Flock’s Canvas Talisman: Think of this as a holy amplifier. It cranks up the damage of your spells, turning your enemies into ash with every blast.
  • Erdtree’s Favour: Feeling a bit squishy? This talisman is your holy protein shake! It bulks you up with more health, and stamina, and even lets you carry more gear. It’s the ultimate survival kit for any warrior-priest.
  • Godskin Swaddling Cloth: This bad boy is like a built-in health potion. Each successful hit heals you a bit, so the longer you fight, the harder you become to kill. Perfect for extended battles where dodging every blow isn’t an option.


Enhanced by potent enchantments, rings can bestow invaluable bonuses upon your Confessor. Delve into the following options:

  • Sun’s First Born Ring: Igniting the fervour of miracles, this ring dramatically amplifies their potency, infusing your divine spells with unparalleled might.
  • Favour Ring: Embrace the boon of this ring, as it fortifies your very essence. Witness a surge in vitality, stamina, and the capacity to bear burdens, empowering you to confront any challenge with newfound resilience.
  • Chain of the Captive: Bound by the shackles of sacrifice, this chain augments crucial attributes, albeit at the price of slightly diminished resistance to harm. Yet, the enhancement to your prowess is undeniable, promising to tip the scales in your favor when destiny beckons.

Confessor Combat: Holy Might & Steel

Confessors dance between offence and defence. Block with your shield, heal with spells, then punish with your sword.

  • Master Enemy Moves: Learn their attacks to know when to block, dodge, or strike back.
  • Upgrade Often: Find blacksmiths to improve your gear for tougher enemies.
  • Manage Resources: Keep an eye on health, magic, and stamina to win fights.
  • Explore Everything: The Lands Between Hide Secrets and treasures! Find them to become even stronger.

Embrace the path of the Confessor and conquer the Lands Between!


In the realm of Elden Ring, the Confessor class offers a thrilling blend of swordplay and magic, making it a versatile and rewarding choice. To excel as a Confessor, focus on key attributes, pick the right gear, and master melee and magic combat. You’ll uncover the playstyle that suits you best with practice and experimentation. So, embrace the adventure ahead, fellow Confessor, and may your journey be filled with excitement and victory! Don’t forget to purchase Elden Ring Items from U7BUY for a smoother gameplay experience playing Confessor.