The Latest Apex Legends Tier List: Best Legend to Use

With the number of characters in Apex Legends to choose to play, all players want to know which Legends are the best overall to focus on the most. In this Apex Legends tier list, we will go over all the Legends from tiers S to C. We will look at their abilities and how well they can use them in matches and prove useful to their teams. After that, it is only a matter of what works and plays best for you! With a list of accounts to purchase on U7BUY, you find whatever you need in any new account right there! Get an Apex Legends account today!

The Tier List

U7BUY also offers lots of different in-game currencies. Get some Apex Legends Coins right now! As we go down the Apex Legends tier list of the best and weakest Legends, keep in mind that even the weakest characters in the game can shine with the right players. The same logic can be applied with the S or A-tier Legends as well, as some players may prefer different playstyles than the ones the higher-ranking Legends may apply. Take this as an overview or basic look at what the Apex characters have to offer.

S Tier – The Best

The Legends in the Apex Legends S tier are known to be the absolute best Legends in the game. All these Legends have little to no weaknesses or obvious counters and can become true beasts in a match with enough practice.

  • Pathfinder – Pathfinder’s Grapple hook is amazing for its granted mobility for both making quick ambushes and escapes.
  • Bloodhound – Great for tracking down opposing players and is super valuable to any team.
  • Horizon – Horizon’s Power Lift is a major support for your teammates to help them get to higher ground and a bigger advantage.

A Tier – Close to the Best

The Legends in the tier, while not S tier, are still incredibly viable and useful. They may have a few more weaknesses and counters that tone their power a little more, but many could very well be in the S tier with a small buff or with the right amount of skill when playing.

  • Loba – Has the Burglar’s Best Friend ability that makes Loba incredibly fast at shooting while sliding or moving.
  • Vantage – A great pick for players who enjoy sniping from afar.
  • Wraith – One of the best Legends to pick for flanking your enemies and dodging attacks.
  • Lifeline – A great support Apex Legends character who has the ability to revive her teammates and utilize her drones.
  • Gibraltar – A support Legend who can tank and still deal lots of damage.
  • Valkyrie – Is able to reach high places easily which makes her great for targeting.
  • Alter – Can deploy and open portals which can be used to make great traps and strategies.
  • Caustic – Gas traps can be used to control enemy positions which makes for great defense.
  • Wattson – A great team player with her fences and defensive gameplay.

B Tier – Pretty Strong

The Legends in B tier in this list are considered to be right about average. They aren’t incredibly strong but not too weak either. While this might be a turn-off for some players, this can also mean more room for your practiced skills and to see how much they affect your Legends and your use of abilities.

  • Conduit – Has a shield to protect teammates and an Ultimate great for slowing enemies down.
  • Bangalore – While her smoke bomb can be useful, there are too many Legends who can counter it.
  • Fuse – His Ultimate is too easy to dodge, but his Knuckle Cluster has been given extra charges for more power.
  • Maggie – A great Legend for shotgun users, but her powers could use more work.
  • Newcastle – A support character with great mobility, but not as much strength in attacks.
  • Octane – Despite being nerfed, Octane is incredibly fun with his mobility and damage output.
  • Seer – Great for interrupting enemy actions such as reviving and targeting players.
  • Rampart – Can carry her Ultimate weapon which makes her much more powerful than before.
  • Catalyst – Can block doors to create a good defense for your teammates.
  • Crypto – Can use their surveillance-related powers to target enemies but has a really specific playstyle that may take some getting used to for most players.

C Tier – Weakest Legends

Now we get to the final tier which includes the weakest Legends in the game. Just because these Legends are here doesn’t mean that they are inherently bad and that you should never use them though. There are plenty of players who may enjoy playing as these Apex Legends characters and win lots of matches with them, but there are a lot more hurdles that you will have to consider before deciding to focus your skills on these guys.

  • Mirage – Can arguably become a much more powerful Legend with the right amount of practice, but their abilities are very underpowered which makes Mirage in desperate need of a buff.
  • Ash – Ash has some great abilities, but there are simply too many other Legends that have the same powers but with shorter cooldowns and stronger outputs.
  • Ballistic – While his Ultimate is useful to make your team’s fighting and movement speed much faster, there isn’t much else notable about him.


While of course only a select few of the Apex Legends characters can be considered the best Legends, that doesn’t make the others bad and impossible to play. Ultimately, the Legends that fits your playstyle the best has the potential of being your personal best Legend in the game. Which ever character fits you best and gives you the most fun is your best bet, but don’t be afraid to give the other Legends, weaker or stronger a try too. You never know what you might find out about your gameplay style.