Everything to Know About Rainbow Six Siege Hibana

U7BUY gives players the opportunity to purchase online accounts for their favorite games to give themselves a boost. Look at some of the R6 accounts listed now! Hibana R6 has become a top pick as an attacking R6 operator for Rainbow Six Siege players thanks to her gadgets and wide range of gameplay. But there is a lot to learn about her for newer players.

Health & Speed

Hibana is known as a light healthy and fast speed Rainbow Six Siege operator. This makes Hibana R6 a bit more of a glass cannon compared to lots of other R6 operators in the game. However, Rainbow Six Siege Hibana makes up for this with her incredible speed which can not only quickly allow her to move across the map but also potentially dodge straying bullets and other attacks much more efficiently.

Hibana’s Gadget – The X-KAIROS Launcher

Going into R6 Hibana’s unique gadget, hers is the X-KAIROS Launcher. This Rainbow Six Siege launcher is a big gun that can launch explosive pellets that stick to any wall including reinforced ones. This makes the launcher great for breaking through walls and giving a clear view through them while also possibly doing damage to defending R6 operators on the other side.

When the R6 launcher is being used, you as well as other attacking operators in range of you will be able to see the reticle of which the pellets will be shot. This means allowing them to view where you will be shooting at all times, but the defending operators will not be able to see this. You can also adjust how many pellets you want to shoot at once and how they will be shot by changing the reticle.

The Rainbow Six Siege pellets will only be able to stick to flat surfaces such as walls or floors. This means that you cannot shoot these pellets at other objects to break them or else they will simply bounce off of them instead. You will also not need to worry about aiming at specific angles as the pellets will always land squarely on a surface no matter what


When the R6 pellets from the X-KAIROS Launcher are deployed and land on a flat surface, they will be in the process of detonation. This will take about five seconds to do so, but it is still best to be careful when you deploy your pellets. This is because they can still be destroyed by gunfire or even melee hits after they land, so keep that in mind.

When the pellets do explode, they will destroy both parts of the surface as well as any other reinforcements or gadgets in its range. If the pellets’ explosion is close to a defending R6 operator, it will only do one point of damage making this gadget best for destroying reinforcements or making viewpoints only.

These pellets can be used against multiple types of gadgets and reinforcements. For example, just one pellet can be used against one of Mira’s Black Mirrors. This launcher can also be important in opening hatches by using a minimum of four pellets to open up. There are lots of ways to use these explosive pellets, so it is best to always experiment with them.


Part of what makes Hibana R6 so strong as an Rainbow Six Siege operator is how well she works with others. This includes R6 operators who have electric-focused gadgets or have a power that revolves around reinforced walls and destroys them in some kind of way. This includes R6 operators like Thermite or Maverick for example.

Thermite’s gadget can break through any type of reinforced wall and can also open up hatches just like Hibana R6. Both of them together can utilize their gadgets to the fullest to break through all enemy reinforcements for their team to push through.

Maverick can also break through reinforcements and create a line of sight easily. This can not only work well in tandem with Rainbow Six Siege Hibana’s X-KAIROS Launcher, but he is also great for destroying signal disrupters and shock wires.


Despite the many advantages Rainbow Six Siege Hibana has, she can still be countered by certain R6 operators if they play their cards right. For example, Mute’s Signal Disrupters, just like with other devices can also prevent the pellets from detonating, so make sure to take them out quickly before launching. Bandit’s Shock Wires and Kaid’s Electroclaw can also be full-on to destroy any pellets that are nearby too.

Even if Bandit’s Shock Wires aren’t turned on, they are still capable of destroying the R6 pellets when placed anywhere and are in the process of detonating, so be careful! Get some R6 rank boosting on U7BUY!