Everything to Know About Swtor Each Class

U7BUY allows you to purchase currencies for a ton of your favorite games. Get Swtor coins now! In Star Wars: The Old Republic, there are lots of classes to choose from that differ depending on the faction that you also choose. But what makes each SWTOR class stand apart from the other?

First, we will look at the set of classes in the Republic’s Jedi faction. The Jedi Knight is essentially the primary fighter of the Republic. They strive for peace and can be compared to a sort of Paladin class in other RPGs. They are also known for their amazing fighting skills and ability to SWTOR tank damage at the same time. Overall, pretty well balanced.

There are two advanced classes under the Jedi Knight umbrella. The Guardian is focused more on the tankier aspects of their abilities. They can handle taking more and dealing more damage back. The Star Wars: The Old Republic Sentinel on the other hand is more prone to utilizing their speed and damage per second thanks to being able to use two lightsabers at once.

Jedi Consulars are a lot like a SWTOR support class but with a bit more action depending on how you choose to go about it. They are known for both their abilities in combat but also for their wisdom and diplomacy. Many of them also tend to use dual-bladed lightsabers which can make them more appealing if that’s up your Star Wars: The Old Republic alley.

There are two advanced SWTOR classes of the Jedi Consulars which are the Sage and the Shadow. The Sage is more focused on being able to heal others and themselves, which can be great for group battles. The Shadow on the other hand is more prone to fighting but would rather do so in secret and swiftly.

Next are the SWTOR Troopers. These guys don’t wield lightsabers, but they wield guns and other projectiles instead. This can make them great for ranged combat and for those who want a change from the lightsaber. They can take some getting used to though to make Star Wars: The Old Republic Troopers and their weapons shine to their full potential.

There are two advanced SWTOR classes for the Trooper. The Vanguard is the tank version of the Trooper as they wear heavier armor to take on more force while dealing a ton back. The Commando is also powerful in its Star Wars: The Old Republic attacks with its specialization in blaster cannons, but they can also heal others!

Then there is the Smuggler which can be compared to a sort of rogue SWTOR class. Smugglers are the outlaws of the Empire who prefer to do things with a bit less politics involved and more luck and wit instead. However, they are great with their SWTOR guns with many being able to dual-wield pistols and shoot at lightning speeds to take down opponents in a chase.

The advanced classes of the Star Wars: The Old Republic Smuggler involve the Scoundrel and the Gunslinger. The Scoundrel can heal others while also using different guns such as the scattergun. This can launch others with incredible knockback. The SWTOR Gunslinger on the other hand can dual-wield their pistols with great sharpshooting skills.

Now we move on to the Empire and the Sith faction. Lots of these classes have a lot of similarities to those in the Republic, but they still have other factors to make them stand out. The Sith Warrior is the primary fighter for the Empire tasked to protect it and conquer others who stand against them.

The Juggernaut and the Marauder are the two advanced SWTOR classes to choose from. Juggernaut is the tank of the two with heavy armor and great damage output. The Marauder, however, is a momentum-focused fighter as they dual-wield their lightsabers at incredible speeds. They can even perform powerful flurry attacks.

Next is the Inquisitor who can be compared to also as the main Star Wars: The Old Republic support class for the Sith faction. They are pretty much the same as the Jedi Consulars but with different names as Sorcerer has access to healing and other spells while the Assassins are more melee-based and battle-ready with their SWTOR dual lightsabers.

The Sith’s Bounty Hunters are where things start to get more interesting. The Mercenary resembles much like the Gunslinger in the Jedi faction, only the Mercenary has healing capabilities. Meanwhile, the Power Tech is more battle-hungry and attacks more from their suit, but both primarily use pistol-like SWTOR weapons rather than big cannons or other weapons. Finally, there is the Imperial Agent which can be thought of as a spy or secret agent. These guys work in secret but have a lot more control behind the scenes than people may realize. The Sniper is pretty self-explanatory with their ability to aim from afar, but the Operative can heal others while being able to do some massive damage. Each class has its interesting quirks, so it’s only a matter of time before finding one right for you. Check out the Swtor accounts for sale with U7BUY!