FF 14 Tank Tier List: The Champion Shielder

Final Fantasy XIV has been around for over a decade and has yet to dwindle and die off like other unfortunate titles in the MMORPG genre. Well, considering FFXIV plays more like an RPG-MMO, focusing more on the ‘RPG’ aspect of the genre probably makes a big difference.

One of the most defining traits of the genre though, is its classes and jobs. These dictate what role you’ll play in a party, what skills and abilities you have access to, what gear you use, and how your character will look.

In short, one of the most crucial aspects to look out for in games like this.

However, simply deciding on a class and job can be cumbersome, so today, we’re showcasing our FF 14 Tank Tier list to get you best equipped to handle one of the most powerful classes in the game.

We’re focusing on FFXIV Tanks in this one so we can go more in-depth for each class, but if you’re looking for an overall FF14 Job Tier List, we’ve got that too. That said, let’s get straight into it!

What Do Tanks do in Final Fantasy XIV?

If you’ve played any MMO or RPG in the last decade, you should be familiar with what a ‘tank’ does. But if FFXIV is your first foray into the genre; the FFXIV tank character’s primary role is to soak up damage and attract the enemy’s attention, all while buffing and keeping your team alive.

This means FFXIV tanks will mainly be in the frontlines, engaging with enemies and making sure your DPS and healer teammates are safe. There are more specialized jobs that stray away from the ‘defensive’ role providing other utility, but overall, it’s still a major part of their kit.

That’s why even FFXIV tanks are divided into two separate ‘roles’; main tanks and off-tanks. Main tanks are typically the tanks with the most health, self-sustain & defensive capabilities, while off-tanks are more of a hybrid damage dealer/utility balanced with defense skills.

Ideally, main FFXIV tanks would take the brunt of your enemy attacks, while off-tanks provide support and a secondary tanking role against ADDs and protect backline teammates, while dealing substantial damage.

Safe to say, tanking plays an important role in any MMO.

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FFXIV 14 Tanks Tier List

As of the time of writing, even with the new Dawntrail expansion on the way, there are only 4 Tank Jobs to choose from. It’s not as plentiful as the DPS category, but there’s still plenty to master with these 4 Jobs.

Warrior – S-Tier

Ranking in as the only S-Tier tank in FFXIV currently is the Warrior Job. Warriors are extremely powerful melee characters that not only have access to a fantastic array of self-sustaining capabilities and healing but also pack a wallop.

Warriors are the most versatile FF14 tank to play, providing players with a powerful balance of offense and defense. Not only are Warriors powerful, but they also have one of the easiest skill rotations in the tank role.

Warriors are extremely versatile and have excellent scaling in terms of damage and sustain, and with the added simplicity of gameplay, make it the most powerful S-Tier tank in Final Fantasy XIV. For now, at least.

Gunbreaker – A-Tier

Of all the tanks in FFXIV, Gunbreaker has the highest DPS in the role. Besides being an overwhelming damage dealer (for a tank), Gunbreaker also has an array of crowd control and support skills in addition to their sustain abilities and shields.

The problem with Gunbreaker is that the role has an incredibly high skill ceiling, but mastering the Gunbreaker’s playstyle optimally is the problem. Adding to the fact that the Gunbreaker’s rotations are more complex than other FFXIV tanks, having a few mistimed abilities can have a devastating effect on your party’s survival.

In that regard, while Gunbreaker is one of the best FFXIV tanks in the game, especially in terms of overall damage potential, its complexity, and nuances make it harder to master, dropping it down to the A-Tier.

Otherwise, an extremely powerful Job if you can master all its intricacies.

Dark Knight – A-Tier

Dark Knights are another fantastic hybrid-style FF14 tank utilizing a greatsword and dark magic to dole out devastating attacks and for defense. Similarly to the Gunbreaker Job, Dark Knights are also capable of providing high DPS while protecting allies.

In terms of skills, Dark Knights have a number of damage-reducing abilities, shields, and a variety of offensive skills. However, when it comes to healing themselves and sustaining, Dark Knights aren’t as powerful.

The Dark Knight Job is well suited for players who want a mix of offensive/defensive tackiness, with a slight edge towards the overall offensive capabilities rather than constantly shielding/mitigating damage.

Paladin – B-Tier

Lastly, ranking in the B-Tier, we have the Paladin, the classic tank class that goes all in on defense. As you’d expect from a Paladin, they have numerous defensive skills for shielding, taunting, damage reduction, and healing.

But they’re also equipped with a variety of utility spells like crowd control, buffs, and stuns. So the focus here is really keeping your party alive by controlling ADDs and boss aggression while simultaneously reducing damage, buffing, and shielding.

While in theory, this is great for any party, in many scenarios, the emphasis on ‘defense’ can greatly impact your party’s overall efficiency. A Paladin will keep you and your party alive, but at the great cost of your DPS potential which in many cases, is more important.

That’s a big reason we see the other tanks ranging in the higher tiers since they have excellent sustain abilities and equally powerful damage potential. Not to say it’s impossible to play a Paladin, but it does have more drawbacks compared to other FFXIV Tank Jobs, especially in harder content.