FIFA 24: How to Master Free Kicks and Penalties Kicks


Free kicks and penalties in FIFA 24 can easily be the turning tide of a match. But stepping up for a free kick or penalty kicks in FC 24 can be a stressful experience. This situation requires a precision and strategic plays. this comprehensive guide will help you improve your set-piece skills in FIFA 24. EA sports FC 24 coins can be bought online at cheap rates. Before diving into the strategies of How to free kicks fc 24 lets first look at the basics of free kicks and penalty kicks:

Basics of Free Kicks:

There are two types of free kicks: Indirect and direct free kicks.

  • Indirect Free Kicks: These kicks are taken from a wide angle or long distance. They can be used to pass the ball to a teammate for chance of scoring.
  • Direct Free Kicks: These are usually taken from within 30 yards of the goal. They are best shooting directly on the goal. Position your player to maximize the angle and reduce the goalkeeper’s chances of making a save.

Power and Aiming:

  • Power Bar: The power bar determines the strength and height of your shot. For direct free kicks in soccer, aim for 2-3 bars of power to achieve the right balance between speed and accuracy.
  • Aiming: Use the left stick to aim. Try aiming a little above the crossbar so the ball has the right elevation to clear the wall and dip into the goal.

Basics of Penalty Kicks

Power and Aiming:

  • Power Bar: The power bar determines the speed and height of your penalty shot. Aim for 1-2 bars of power for a controlled and accurate shot.
  • Aiming: Use the left stick for aiming the shot. By targeting towards the corners of the goal you will have a higher chance of scoring but be careful not to overdo it.

Techniques for Free Kicks and Penalties:

Free Kicks:

  • Curling Free Kicks:

Use the right stick to add spin to your shot. Flick it left or right to curl the ball around the wall. This technique is particularly effective for bypassing a well-positioned defensive wall.

  • Dipping Free Kicks:

For close-range free kicks master, flick the right stick downward to add dip. This helps the ball drop quickly over the wall and under the crossbar, making it difficult for the goalkeeper to save.

  • Knuckleball Free Kicks:

For a deceptive free kick, try the knuckleball free kick technique. Hold L2/LT while powering up the shot and flick the right stick slightly upwards just before contact. This creates an unpredictable dipping trajectory that can leave goalkeepers bewildered.

Penalty Kicks:

  • Driven Shot:

For a powerful, low shot, hold L1/LB while taking the penalty kicks soccer. This technique increases shot power and is effective when aiming for the bottom corners.

  • Chip Shot:

For a cheeky finish, hold L1/LB and press the shoot button. This technique lofts the ball gently over the goalkeeper, but timing is crucial.

  • Stutter Step:

Use the stutter step by tapping the shoot button before holding it down. This can throw off the goalkeeper’s timing, giving you an edge. There’s an abundant amount of cheap fc 24 players available to buy for easier victories.

How to be consistent at this?

  • Spend time in the practice arena to get a feel for different free kick scenarios. Experiment with power, spin, and positioning to develop muscle memory and consistency.
  • Use players with high free kick accuracy, curve, and shot power. Attributes like these significantly affect the outcome of your best free kicks.
  • Pay attention to in-game conditions such as wind and rain. These can affect the ball’s trajectory, so adjust your aim accordingly.

Additional Tips for scoring consistently:

  • Mind Games:

Use the right stick to move your player left or right during the run-up. This can make it harder for the goalkeeper to predict your shot direction.

  • Staying Cool:

Penalty shootouts can be pretty stressful because of the immense pressure. Try to keep your composure and focus on your technique rather than the pressure.

  • Observing Movements:

Pay attention to the goalkeeper’s movements. Some goalkeepers may dive early, giving you an opportunity to change your aim.

  • Deceptive Techniques:

Try mixing up your shots to keep the goalkeeper guessing. Alternate between driven shots, chip shots, and regular penalties to create unpredictability.

  • Perfect Timing:

To increase your accuracy and power enable timed finishing in the settings. Perfectly timed shots will make your best free kicks and penalty kicks more effective.

  • Practice:

The best way to get better is to consistently play and spend time practicing the timed finishing to develop a feel for the right moment to press the shoot button. Use indirect free kicks to set up a teammate for a direct shot on goal. This will catch the defense off guard and create scoring chances for your team.


The free kicks and penalty kicks in FIFA 24 are a great opportunity for any serious player looking to gain an edge in close matches. Try to utilize these by using the basics techniques and using that knowledge to score goals. Practice is key to developing consistency and confidence so keep playing consistently and let your skills shine in FIFA 24.