Genshin Arlecchino Materials, Ascension and More

There are plenty of things you need to know about the Genshin Impact Arlecchino character to play her correctly, but in order to get to that point – you will need to find all the Genshin Impact Arlecchino materials she uses for Talent and Level Up ascension. One of the main things people don’t realize when building characters is how important leveling up talents can be, as it can more than double your overall power – and it doesn’t involve any kind of luck as Artifact farming does. That said, along with her talents – having her constellations, as with every other character, is pretty overpowered. Her C6 is especially strong, and if you really want to gain that kind of power, you will need to invest in Genshin top up services.

So, let’s get into why you want all the Genshin Arlecchino ascension materials and where to find them.

Level-up and Talent Material Requirements

If you want to be the main “Father”, as her children call her, you might want to invest everything into creating the perfect Genshin Impact Arlecchino build. This means that you will need all of the Genshin Arlecchino talent materials, as well as all of the Genshin Arlecchino materials in order to make her Triple Crown (Meaning that you want all 3 talents at level 10) and to have her at the max level, which is 90 at the moment – but will be increased to 100 soon.

Talent Level Up Arlecchino Materials

To level up her talents, you will need a couple of things – Books, Drops from Enemies, Drops from her boss fight, Three Crowns of Insight, and a loooooooooooot of Mora. Be prepared to dish out a couple of million more if you want to max it all.
Each talent will require:

  • 6 Recruit’s Insignia
  • 22 Sergeant’s Insignia
  • 31 Lieutenant’s Insignia
  • 3 Teachings of Order
  • 21 Guide to Order
  • 38 Philosophies of Order
  • 6 Fading Candle
  • Crown of Insight

Multiply that by three, and you’ll have a LOT of grinding to do if you want to max out every talent.

Enemy Drops

Depending on when you started playing, you’ll probably have a lot of these Genshin Arlecchino materials already. The ones in question are Recruit, Sergeant, and Lieutenant Insignias which drop from most Fatui enemies – and those have been in the game from the start and have appeared throughout every expansion.

However, to be more specific for posterity’s sake:

  • Fatui Skirmishers – These are the “Larger” Fatui enemies with Hydro, Electro, and Anemo powers
  • Fatui Cicin Mages – The female electro enemies that spawn those annoying little flies
  • Fatui Pyro Agents – The cool and stealthy pyro assassin Fatui’s enemies

Of course, if your account is new – you can always buy Genshin Impact accounts that have Genshin Arlecchino leveled, or even have all the Arlecchino materials necessary to level up her talents and ascend her.

Talent Books

The books you’ll need to level this up are of the “Order” line and are farmed in the Pale Forgotten Glory domain on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. The Domain is located in Fontaine, obviously, and contains a pretty difficult challenge – Only two enemies, but if you don’t know how to deal with them, prepare for a tough fight.

The fight, at the highest level, will have you face off against the “Large Overgrown Breacher Primus” which will create a Dendro shield right at the start of the fight and continuously fire missiles at the players. However, there are ways to deal with this – Pneuma or Ousia attacks (Most Fontaine characters such as Lynette have these) will destroy the shield instantly, while Electro and Pyro reactions will deal with the shield a bit quicker.

Fading Candles

This material drops from “The Knave” boss fight, and if you haven’t done it before – prepare to fail a couple of times before you figure things out unless you have a really strong team ready.

The Knave has two phases. The first one is longer, but easier while the second phase has more difficult attacks to deal with while being shorter, as the Knave has less health in the second phase.

Make sure to use the Blood Debt mechanic to continuously stagger her and deal damage in bursts during the stagger while doing your best to avoid damage while she’s not staggered.

You will need 6 Fading Candles for 1 Talent, which means 18 in Total if you want to triple crown her.

Crowns of Insight

The only material on this list that you can’t farm infinitely. These are very rare and you can gain them through a few different methods, but as mentioned – they are VERY limited.

  • Some bigger events can give one Crown of Insight
  • Some Archon quests can reward players with Crowns of Insight
  • Certain game mechanics, such as the Great Sakura Tree can give multiple Crowns of Insight as the tree gains levels


Now that we have the Genshin Imppact Arlecchino materials out of the way, there’s something to keep in mind – Genshin Impact Arlecchino only really needs to level up one talent to be 90% effective when it comes to her damage-dealing capabilities. Leveling up her skill is the least optimal thing to invest in, and her ultimate does have crazy scaling if leveled up – but it might not be worth it when most of her power lies in her basic attacks.

You can always check the best Genshin impact store to find accounts that have Arlecchino, her weapon, or to find the best top up deals around if you really want to devote yourself to our Pyro Queen

Genshin Arlecchino’s Weapon

Another thing you might want to invest in is Crimson Moon’s Semblance, and since it comes with Arlecchino on the Event Weapon Banner, you’re going to need to farm Genshin Impact Arlecchino weapon mats as well. These are:

  • Goblets from the Echoes of the Deep Tides Weapon Material Domain (Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday)
  • Hilts that drop only from the Praetorian Golem enemies that were added with the area with patch 4.6
  • Gear items that drop from any kind of Clockwork Meka enemies

The only one that might be a problem to farm would be the Praetorian Golems since there aren’t many in the world, but you can get enough Genshin Arlecchino materials if you do them consistently for 2-3 days.