Getting Started in Tower of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy is an awesome game. It might not be as popular as Genshin Impact, but this anime game is drawing tons of players in thanks to the complicated combat system, the puzzle system, and the overall community. It is so popular that the amount of people looking for a Tower of Fantasy account for sale has shot up.

If you’re diving into Tower of Fantasy for the first time, then read on. We’ll tell you about the first few hours of this game.

The Tutorial

We won’t lie – the tutorial for Tower of Fantasy is boring. It teaches you the core mechanics of the game and tells you about the story of the Tower of Fantasy world, but it can be a massive amount of effort to get through. However, you need to play through it. Don’t give up, because as soon as you reach the first tower in the game, everything starts to get better.

The Game Limits You

Somewhat frustratingly, many of the systems in Tower of Fantasy are designed to limit how much progress you can make per day. The biggest hindrance is the XP system. You can only gain so much XP per day, before you need to stop (or do something else).

You’ll also find that it is tough to get through the whole story, because you can’t play through it in one big go. Instead, you need to wait several real-life hours between some missions. Of course, there’ll always be other content that you can play through in Tower of Fantasy, but it won’t be that fun until you’ve progressed reasonably well in the game.

If you have hit a cap in Tower of Fantasy in an earlier stage of the game, just log out and wait. Focus on some of the other games you’ve got in your collection.

Say No to Your Starter Weapons

The starter weapons are fine for getting you through the tutorial in Tower of Fantasy, but they aren’t great for anything beyond that.

A general rule of thumb in this game is that if a weapon is blue, it isn’t worth playing with. Don’t bother upgrading it. Ditch it.

Thankfully, the game is pretty generous with the gacha system, and you should be able to grab some new weapons from your pulls pretty quickly. Anything SR or SSR rank will put you in a good position.

As you pull more of the same weapon, the star rating will increase. At this point, we suggest that you play around with the various weapons in the game to see which you like the most. Upgrade the ones that you enjoy playing with.

Learn How the Elements Work

The Tower of Fantasy tutorial will do a decent job of introducing you to how elements work in combat in the game, but after the tutorial, you really need to know how the elements work in your gear.  For example, that flame is good for DOTs, and frost is good for crowd control.

Enemies are weak to various elements, and part of the game is working out their weaknesses. Not to mention the fact that you’ll need various elements if you want to solve puzzles that help you progress through the game.

For this reason, always make sure that you are well-equipped. At the very least, your three weapons should cover the various types of elemental damage in the game, as well as deal ranged damage.

Shatter & Charge

Your weapon arsenal needs to be a blend between shatter and charge. Shatter is important for breaking down the shield that enemies have, making it easier for you to kill them. Charge is best for all-out powerful attacks. Make sure that you have the highest shatter and charge attacks that you can find.

Play About with Weapon Combinations

The weapons that you choose in Tower of Fantasy will impact the role that you’ll be playing in the game. So, think about the type of weapons that you choose, as they’ll impact your play style. For example, if you’re the type of person who likes to be the tank in these games, then your weapons should trend toward the more defensive. If you’re a bigger fan of offense, then get high damage, low defense, weapons.

Don’t worry too much about this at an early stage. You won’t have the weapon collection to really specialize in what you want. However, as you progress, you’ll have more to play about with, meaning more combat options.

Final Thoughts

Finally – do the dailies in the game. You’ll get loads of currencies and XP, plus you can progress through the story faster.

Don’t forget, you can make your life easier in the game by buying a Tower of Fantasy top up from us here at