How to Improve Your Aim in Apex Legend

Being trigger-happy is a great attribute to have in Apex Legends, but you need to make sure that your bullets connect with your target. Quite often, we just pull the trigger and hope for the best, and that just isn’t enough if you want to progress quickly in your Apex Legends account.

Here are some tips and tricks for you to take your aim training Apex Legends to the next level and earn rewards so you don’t have to check for Apex coins price every now and then!

Master Recoil Smoothing

Ever tried to shoot continuously for a few seconds only to realize that the much-dreaded recoil is kicking in? This will cause your bullets to spray all over the place and miss your target, but is there any way around this? Fortunately, there is, and it’s called recoil smoothing.

Essentially, you need to move in the opposite direction to where you are turning your aim while in ADS. So for example, move your aim ever so slightly to the right while you move your Legend to the left, and vice versa. This will stabilize your weapon and keep your aim fairly centered so you can focus your fire on the enemy in front of you. As a plus, it also keeps your Legend moving and makes you a harder target than if you were simply firing while standing still.

Another trick that works is to fire while aiming down the sights for an instant, then remove ADS to reload, and then aim down again. Rinse and repeat to get in quick bursts of fire on the enemy while minimizing recoil, and get the added bonus of better maneuverability on the battlefield as well.

Use Recoil to Your Advantage

You read that right; recoil can be a good thing sometimes. More specifically, we’re talking about vertical recoil on continuous-firing weapons. Here’s where aiming for the chest can come in handy. Not only does it give you a wider target, but as your aim naturally recoils upwards, your chances of getting a headshot increase.

This is a great way for you to land those headshots if you are still learning your way around the game. Gradually, you can start moving your aim a little higher up the chest until you finally make your way to those nice juicy headshots! Of course, for high-power weapons like the sniper rifle, you should always be aiming for the head!

Balance Hip Fire and ADS

We often focus too much on aiming down the sights to get higher accuracy, but we fail to realize that it makes us far too easy of a target. It’s important to keep yourself moving so the enemy can’t get a lock on you, so you need to make sure you are continuously alternating between hip fire and ADS. Hipfire is also effective when there’s no time to switch to ADS while rounding a corner, for example.

Keep your Crosshair in the Right Area

Staying focused on the enemy isn’t just important while aiming down the sights or when you are actively engaged in a gunfight. You also need to be wary of any danger or ambushes, especially when looting. Keep your crosshairs in areas where you suspect enemies to be at all times so you are never caught unawares. A crosshair centered on the ground for too long is a disaster waiting to happen, so be sure to grab that loot as quickly as you can!

Adjust Your Field of View

It’s vital you find the right balance between both your sensitivity and field of view. It’s worthwhile to remember that while a high field of view will show you more enemies on the battlefield, it will also make your targets smaller and thus harder to hit. On the other hand, a smaller field of view will make the targets easier to hit but expose you to the risk of being caught unawares by a non-visible enemy.

Your field of view is also closely linked with your sensitivity; the same sensitivity on a higher field of view will appear slower than on a lower field of view. It’s tempting to select a high sensitivity to experience the thrill of being a pro, but if you are just beginning, It’s a good idea to stick with a lower setting to perfect your aim and gradually turn things up a notch. Ultimately, this particular setting comes down to personal preference and setup, so only you can decide what works best for you.


In short, if you want to improve your aim in Apex Legends through this aim training Apex Legends you need to work on mastering your recoil smoothing, balancing hip fire with ADS, keeping your crosshair in the right area, and adjusting your field of view to suit your playstyle.