How To Rank Up A Player In EA FC Mobile

How To Rank Up A Player In EA FC Mobile

Boosting players’ ranks in EA FC Mobile is pivotal for enhancing your team’s prowess and competitiveness in the game. This strategy yields numerous advantages, augmenting individual players’ abilities and bolstering overall team performance. If you rank up a player in FC Mobile, their stats show a significant surge, spanning attributes such as speed, shooting accuracy, passing proficiency, and defensive prowess. This furnishes your team with a competitive advantage and grants an edge over adversaries who have yet to pursue player upgrades.

Ranking up a player in FC Mobile also boons you with tactical flexibility. Higher-ranked players offer greater versatility and adaptability within your team’s tactics. Whether you prefer a fast-paced attacking style or a solid defensive setup, upgraded players can fulfil their roles more effectively, allowing you to tailor your strategy to match your opponents’ strengths and weaknesses.

In short, ranking up your player gives you multiple benefits and advantages throughout your gameplay. There are multiple ways to rank up your player in FC Mobile but to save time; you need to follow specific strategies and the right path to avoid wasting your time. Well, if you’re looking for a perfect guide to how to rank up players in FC Mobile 24, then you are on the right page. This guide will cover all your basic doubts and give you the right approach to efficient levelling.

Understand the Rank-Up Mechanics of FC Mobile

Understanding the rank-up mechanics is very important to proceed with your rank-up journey. Ranking up your character increases your player’s overall rating, unlocking higher training levels and improving its in-game performance.

There’s a probability system for each rank-up. Each rank-up attempt has a probability of success, which varies depending on the rank level. Success probabilities range from 100% for rank-up level 0 to as low as 20% for higher levels.

Successful rank-ups grant you skill points that you can use further by allocating them to your player’s specific attributes. This will enhance your player’s overall attributes as well.

FC 24 Player Rank Up Requirements

For the rank-up process, you need duplicate cards of the player you want to level up. Make sure you have enough duplicate cards of the same player. The number of duplicate cards needed increases gradually as you level up your player in FC Mobile.

FC Mobile Player Duplicate Cards

Rank-Up Indication

You can easily check the level of your player rank by seeing the gem colour. The colour of the gem on the player item can help you recognize your player’s current rank-up level. Below is the list of colours that represent rank.

  • Green color signifies Level 1
  • Blue color signifies Level 2
  • Purple color signifies Level 3
  • Red color signifies Level 4
  • Orange color signifies Level 5

Initiating the Rank-Up Process

To initiate the rank-up process, navigate to the player you want to rank up in your squad lineup. The rank-up option is usually located in the player upgrade section inside the player profile.

Collect the duplicate cards and ensure you have enough duplicate cards for the same player you want to rank up. Before initiating the rank-up process, check the probability by reviewing the success probability for the current rank level.

Confirm your decision to rank up the player and choose the duplicate cards you want to sacrifice for the upgrade. This process typically consumes the duplicate cards but boosts the player’s stats or unlocks additional features.

Executing the Players Rank-Up in FC Mobile

Now, it is time to execute your rank-up process. Assess the probability of success for the rank-up attempt. Higher success probabilities are usually achieved by using more duplicate cards. If you’re confident in the probability of success, proceed with the rank-up attempt. If the rank-up is successful, the player’s overall rating increases, unlocking higher training levels, and you receive skill points.

Allocating Skill Points

Upon achieving a successful rank-up for your player, you will earn skill points as a reward. These skill points are invaluable assets that enable you to finely tune and enhance your player’s specific attributes. By carefully assessing your player’s performance, you can pinpoint areas in need of refinement and strategically allocate these skill points to address those deficiencies. 

This meticulous analysis and targeted enhancement are key steps toward optimizing your player’s capabilities and elevating your team’s overall performance. Make sure you allocate skill points wisely. Distribute skill points strategically to optimize the player’s performance in matches.

Repeat the Process

Repeat the rank-up process to further enhance the player’s overall rating and unlock additional training levels. Once you are satisfied with your player’s rank and attributes, you can focus on training and effectively utilizing the player in matches.

Monitor Team OVR

Keep track of your team’s overall rating as you rank up players. A higher team OVR improves your chances in versus attack mode. Follow strategic adjustments. Adjust your squad lineup and tactics based on the changes in team OVR to optimize performance in different game modes.

FC Mobile Team OVR

Utilize XP Conversion

Utilize duplicate cards to generate XP, which can be used for player training or other purposes. Convert duplicate cards into XP when they’re not needed for rank-up, ensuring efficient resource management.

Tips, Tricks, & Strategies

Below are some general tips, tricks, and strategies to help you throughout your rank-up journey in EA FC Mobile.

  • Strategically choose which players to focus on ranking up based on their positions, roles in your squad, and their potential impact on your team’s performance.
  • Manage duplicate cards by regularly checking your inventory.
  • Always consider the success probability before initiating the rank-up process.
  • Strategically allocate skill points.
  • Don’t forget the key attributes.
  • Aim to reach the maximum training level for your ranked-up players to fully maximize their potential on the field.
  • Maintain a balanced team composition.
  • Stay updated.
  • Enjoy the gameplay and your rank-up journey.


In summary, ranking up players in EA FC Mobile is more than just enhancing stats; it’s about crafting a winning team. Understanding the mechanics and requirements is crucial for success. Players can unlock their team’s full potential through strategic upgrades and skill point allocation. With dedication and smart play, mastering the rank-up journey becomes a rewarding path to victory. Don’t forget to buy EA FC Mobile Coins for a smoother player rank up journey in the game.