Last Epoch Guide to Legendary Potential

Last Epoch Guide to Legendary Potential

A sophisticated crafting system in Last Epoch enables users to make powerful Legendary items. Only found on Unique gear pieces, Legendary Potential is crucial for forging potent Legendary items. It regulates the quantity of affixes that can be transferred from an Exalted item when creating a Legendary. Last Epoch Legendary Potential is a new property that unique items can drop. The unique’s capacity to change into a legendary item in the eternity cache is determined by this new stat, which has a value between 0 and 4. For example, a unique item can only have two affixes carried over if its Legendary Potential is two. An item’s maximum legendary Potential is 4. In this Last Epoch Legendary Potential guide, we will go over all the major points.

About Last Epoch Legendary Potential

Legendary Potential is a unique stat on particular objects in the Last Epoch. It means there’s a chance the item will become legendary. With Legendary Potential in Last Epoch, you can improve your equipment in many ways. If a unique item has legendary Potential, it can be transformed into a legendary item by investing time and resources in an area called Temporal Sanctum Dungeon. The item’s level determines how much Legendary Potential you can obtain. The level at which the Legendary Potential is computed is determined by three distinct properties.

  • Unique level requirement override
  • Base item level requirement
  • Effective Legendary Potential level override
Last Epoch Legendary Potential

How to craft a legendary item using Legendary Potential

A Unique item with Legendary Potential and an Exalted item of the same type with four unsealed affixes are required to make the Legendary item. This implies you can construct a Legendary Bastion of Honour with any exalted, four-affix shield. You’ll need to use a new mechanic to make a Legendary Item in our Temporal Sanctum dungeon.

In the Temporal Sanctum dungeon, you’ll need to use a novel system to craft a Legendary Item. Upon completing the dungeon, you will receive access to the Eternity Cache in two distinct periods. Your new Legendary item will be waiting for you when you return to the cache after placing your two items there in the past. How many affixes are taken out of the Exalted item and transferred to your Unique to make it Legendary is determined by its Legendary Potential.

Basically, all you need to do is this:

  • Get the Temporal Sanctum Key dropped from Timeline Bosses inside the Monolith of Fate to finish the Temporal Sanctum Dungeon. Enter the dungeon using this key.
  • Eternity Cache is located inside the Temporal Sanctum. Engage with it to get the crafting process started.
  • Get Your Things Ready: Put the Exalted item with four affixes and the Unique item with Legendary Potential inside the Cache.
  • Click the ‘Seal Cache’ button to unite the two objects and seal the cache. Use Temporal Shift to switch between eras.
  • Get Your Legendary Back: In the Ruined Era, open the Cache again to locate the item you have just created.

Legendary Potential Uniques can only be obtained by farming specific monsters or zones with greater area levels. Your odds of finding these things can be increased by raising Item Rarity and Corruption. You must farm high-level areas or dungeons like Lightless Arbor to get Exalted goods. Aim for high-tier affixes because the affix rolls on Exalted gear matter.

Last Epoch Eternity Cache


Only Unique gear components have the Legendary Potential statistic in the Last Epoch. The number next to Legendary Potential indicates how many affixes from the Exalted item you sacrifice to construct the Legendary. For instance, an Exalted helm with “Legendary Potential: 3” would require three random affixes from the Unique helm to create a Legendary helm. Higher Legendary Potential translates into more affixes being passed forward. And a stronger outcome is usually indicated by more affixes.

Exalted items

You need the same type of exalted item to craft a legendary, for instance, you additionally require an Exalted one-handed axe if your Unique with Legendary Potential is a one-handed axe.  It won’t matter what sort or how many levels the Exalted have, other than the quantity of affixes on them. If you’d like, you could theoretically create using one Tier 6 and three Tier 1 affixes. Having high-tier affixes that are significant for the Legendary you are aiming to create will increase the likelihood of generating an item you wish to wear, as each affix has an equal chance of being transferred to the Legendary. Additionally, The Legendary becomes class-specific if you apply a class-specific affix to it.

How to find items with Legendary Potential?

In the game, each Unique has a level of Legendary Potential. For Unique items with Legendary Potential, farm bosses who are unique to you or zones with greater area levels. Also, Legendary Potential Uniques are more likely to disappear from zones with greater area levels. Legendary Potential is also somewhat impacted by corruption.


In conclusion, the ability of a unique item to become legendary is determined by its legendary Potential. Unique artefacts with legendary Potential are more frequently encountered in higher-level areas and are kind of rare. We advise you to join a guild to obtain additional legendary-potential equipment as soon as you can. Also, don’t forget to purchase Last Epoch Gold for a smoother gameplay experience.