League of Legends New Champion Aurora Revealed

On U7BUY you can find lots of ways to better your gameplay through the many options available. Top up LOL today to find out! A new Champion has been announced for League of Legends and it is looking as promising as ever! The Champion Aurora has a lot of interesting abilities to go over to help players predict how she may play out.

Who is Aurora?

Aurora has been revealed to be a mage character who is more focused on the battle rather than just supporting other Champions. She has also been revealed to have a shorter range of attack, but a higher speed in mobility to help boost her. This was shown in both a visual novel and a leaked emote that Riot released, but there is more to be known about her. As of right now, she is confirmed to be released fully into League of Legends on July 17th, 2024.

What Can She Do?

As a mage, many players may think that Aurora could solely be a support Champion but that is far from the case. Instead, she is much more battle-focused by utilizing her quick movement and attack speed which makes her specialized in having a higher DPS (damage per second) rather than wide area attacks. However, her main weakness is her short range which is looking to be much shorter than other mages but doesn’t make her weak on its own though.

Passive Ability – Spirit Abjuration

Aurora’s passive ability allows her to perform exorcisms on her enemies! After Aurora attacks an enemy whether through regular attacks or her spells, she will then perform an exorcism on that enemy. This exorcism will take away a certain amount of the enemy’s maximum health using magic damage. A soul will also be taken away and given to Aurora in order to constantly heal her and give her a speed boost for a couple of seconds by entering Spirit Mode

Aurora’s Spirit mode will not only cause Aurora to move quicker but also make her turn invisible for a short duration. This mode can occur when using other powers of Aurora’s which is where most of her advantages when it comes to her momentum come from.

While we do not know the exact number statistics of Aurora’s powers yet, this passive ability so far sounds incredibly deadly and really fun to use. This gives Aurora the true potential to become a very strong Champion thanks to her exorcisms not just healing her but having an enemy Champion’s max health turn them into a massive target by anyone around them.

Twofold Hex

Now we move on to Aurora’s other abilities. The first which is located on the ‘Q’ key is her Twofold Hex power. Pressing this will cause Aurora to launch a massive blast of spirit energy in the direction that she is facing. An enemy hit by this energy will be dealt a massive amount of magic damage.

When the power is recast, Aurora will draw the ball of spirit energy back towards herself. However, any enemy that gets in the way of the energy’s path will still have damage caused to them. This power helps with Aurora’s lack of range, but who knows how long the cooldown for this power will be yet.

Across the Veil

With Across the Veil, Aurora is able to let her speed in mobility shine. When pressing ‘W’, Aurora will activate which will cause her to jump forward. She will then open the Spirit Realm the second that she lands back on the ground. Doing so will cause her to turn invisible as she transitions into Spirit Mode for a few seconds.

After Aurora enters Spirit Mode, she will not only remain invisible, but she will also have her movement speed slightly boosted. Any takedown on another Champion will reset the power’s cooldown, but this power overall is great for Aurora whenever you need to move in quickly without being seen and perform sneak attacks.

The Weirding

The Weirding ability can be activated using the ‘E’ key. This power is kind of similar to the Twofold Hex but much stronger and with a wider area of effect. When activated, The Weirding allows Aurora to launch out an area blast of magic from the Spirit Realm in order to do a massive amount of damage to any enemy in the surrounding area.

Not only will this power do lots of initial damage but will also slowly continue to drain an enemy’s health the longer that they stay in the affected area as the blast happens. Just like with the Twofold Hex ability, this will also presumably help with Aurora’s shorter attack range by making it up with a massive splash.

Between Worlds – Ultimate

Now we get to Aurora’s Ultimate. This Ultimate is essentially the same as The Weirding but much stronger and lasts for longer. When activated with the ‘R’ key, Aurora will send out a bunch of Spirit Energy that will also do lots of Magic damage. However, it will also slow down the speed at which an enemy will attack.

Aurora’s Ultimate doesn’t stop there, however. Not only will the rift in the Spirit Realm occur, but Aurora will also enter Spirit Mode to make her turn invisible and will have the ability to teleport to the other side of the map. This can help you quickly move to an objective or escape from a harsh battle. In order to move across the map if you decide to, Aurora will open a threshold to get there. Any enemy that crosses paths with it will get hit with some more Magic Damage and will be slowed down and pushed backward toward the center of the map. If you don’t want to open this threshold then recasting the Ultimate will cause the power to stop and the cooldown to start. Check out some League of Legends accounts for sale today on U7BUY!