League of Legends: The Ultimate Guide to Split Pushing

Split pushing is a high-risk and high-reward plan in League of Legends which can change the whole outcome of the game. When executed properly, it can pressure the enemy team and create opportunities for objectives. You can buy League of Legends account online for you and your friends to rank up and play together. This is a guide that will explore all the tactics of split pushing and how to deal with common challenges.

Understanding Split Pushing

Split pushing involves sending one LOL champion to a side lane to push the minion wave and apply pressure on enemy towers while the rest of the team occupies other parts of the map. The goal is to force the enemy team to respond, creating a numbers advantage for your team elsewhere on the map.

Key Objectives of Split Pushing:

• Applying Map Pressure: Forcing the enemy team to respond to multiple threats.

• Creating Opportunities: Drawing enemy champions away from key objectives like Dragon, Baron, or mid-lane.

• Securing Objectives: Taking down turrets, inhibitors, and potentially ending the game.

Champion Selection:

Not all LOL champions are suited for split pushing. Best split pushers League typically possess strong dueling capabilities, high mobility, and fast wave-clear. Here are some LOL champions that excel at split pushing:

1. Jax: His high damage output and ability to dodge auto-attacks make him a formidable duelist.

2. Fiora: With her strong dueling potential and ability to riposte critical abilities, she can take on most opponents in a 1v1.

3. Tryndamere: His ultimate, “Undying Rage,” allows him to dive towers and escape ganks.

4. Camille: Her mobility and true damage make her a threat in split-push scenarios.

5. Yorick: With his ghouls and Maiden of the Mist, he can quickly push lanes and pressure turrets.

Preparing for a Split Push:

1. Vision Control: Ensure you have adequate vision in the enemy jungle and around the lane you plan to push. Wards in key locations can alert you to incoming threats and give you time to escape.

2. Itemization: Build items that enhance your dueling capabilities and survivability. Items like Blade of the Ruined King, Ravenous Hydra, and Sterak’s Gage are popular choices.

3. Communication: Coordinate with your team. They need to know your intentions so they can apply pressure elsewhere and avoid unnecessary fights.

Execution Strategies:

1. Wave Management: Properly manage your minion waves to ensure they push towards the enemy. Slow pushing, where you build up a large wave over time, can create significant pressure.

2. Timing: Split pushing is most effective when key enemy abilities are on cooldown or when the enemy team is preoccupied with other objectives.

3. Pressure Points: Constantly apply pressure to side lanes. If the enemy sends multiple members to deal with you, your team should capitalize on the numbers advantage elsewhere.

4. Objective Control: While you split push, your team should focus on securing objectives like Dragon, Baron, or turrets. This dual-pronged approach can overwhelm the enemy.

Dealing with Challenges:

Split pushing comes with inherent risks. Here’s how to mitigate them:

1. Ganks: If the enemy team sends multiple champions to stop you, have escape routes planned. LOL Champions with mobility spells or teleportation abilities excel here. If you don’t have these legends unlocked you can buy RP League of Legends from third- party sources and unlock them easily.

2. Team Fights: Communicate with your team to avoid unnecessary engagements when you are split pushing. It’s crucial that your team doesn’t engage in a 4v5 fight.

3. Teleport Management: Use your teleport strategically. If your team engages in a fight or needs assistance, you should be ready to teleport and join them.

Advanced Split Pushing Tactics:

1. Teleport Plays: Use teleport to create unexpected pressure. For example, you can split push a lane, teleport to a ward near an objective your team is contesting, and surprise the enemy with a numbers advantage.

2. Fake Back: Pretend to recall in a safe location but stay hidden. When the enemy believes you’ve left, you can catch them off guard by continuing to push.

3. Jungle Invasion: While split push, invade the enemy jungle to steal camps and place deep wards. These further pressures the enemy team and provides valuable vision.

When Not to Split Push:

There are times when split pushing might not be the best strategy:

1. If Your Team Needs You: If your team is planning a crucial fight or objective, being away from them could cost you the game.

2. Lack of Vision: Without adequate vision, you’re at a high risk of being caught out and killed.

3. Against Strong Engage: If the enemy team has strong engage tools and can quickly start a fight with your team, being away might lead to a disaster.


Mastering the art of split pushing in League of Legends can be challenging at first. It requires a deep understanding of the game and excellent map awareness. By selecting the right LOL champions, managing your waves effectively, and knowing when to apply and relieve pressure, you can become a best split pusher League capable of turning the tide of any game. Best split pushers LOL is not just about taking down turrets but it’s about creating opportunities and forcing the enemy team to make difficult decisions. With practice and strategic thinking, you can dominate the rift and lead your team to victory.