Lost Ark Akkan Solo Raid Mechanics Guide (G1-G3)

Lost Ark Akkan Solo Raid Mechanics Guide (G1-G3)

Lost Ark Akkan solo raid is not for the faint-hearted. It will test your skills and strategy in three gates (G1-G3). In this guide, we will go through every gate, and highlight the key mechanics that you need to know to triumph.

Lost Ark Akkan Gate 1: Buff and Debuff Management

The first gate that is tackling the problems of debuff stacks and important boss mechanics. The latter starts with a choice of a buff, which can be stagger buff that is usually recommended than back attack buff when playing on solo mode.

Orb Mechanic

At the beginning of this battle, players must destroy either green or black orbs. The color chosen matters in subsequent mechanics, especially during the grab phase. Destroying an orb with the right colour will enable you to survive a grab attack later. While waiting for Akkan to drop down and wait for his damage window, it is necessary not to touch the spear too early otherwise it causes massive HP lost.

Debuffs and Corruption

Healing reduction debuffs and DOT (damage over time) effects are given to players who touch opposite coloured orbs. Two tumor stacks lead to instant death for a player. It’s important to manage these debuffs as they can be cleansed using items like Panacea or Sacred Charm.

Spear and Tumor Mechanics

Akkan will throw spears and create tumor orbs shortly after the beginning of the fight. When you touch a spear or an orb that matches your color, you prevent acquiring debuff stacks. In case it happens that you touch a different colored orb, then you receive debuffs that decrease healing and inflict constant damage on yourself with time. The presence of two tumor stacks will lead to fatality.

Armor Buff

This is like Valtan raid where at x112 health bar mark, Akkan gets an armor buff which needs to be removed through successful execution of mechanics. That means breaking orbs, managing debuffs, and avoiding spears. Failure to do so results in significantly less damage dealt by the boss making the fight last longer and increasing chances of failure.

Lost Ark Akkan Gate 1

Lost Ark Akkan Gate 2: Environmental Hazards and Minion Management

New environmental hazards are introduced in Gate 2 that increase the difficulty. There are poison pools and falling debris all over the raid area that need to be constantly watched out for and require precision while moving.

Environmental Hazards

To avoid unnecessary damage, one should stay away from poison pools and falling debris. Healing is reduced by poison pools, whereas falling debris may lead to a stun or simply take players off the platform. Proper positioning on Akkan becomes crucial as this helps to avoid such hazards and at the same time maintain DPS uptime.

Minion Summons

Quickly kill minions summoned by Akkan. If mismanaged, these can easily overpower players. To deal with them fast using AOE skills and crowd control abilities, so that they do not interfere with the main mechanics or add up corruption meter.

Charge Attack

Be aware of Akkan’s charging animation to get out of his way on time thus preventing significant damage from occurring. Players have a few moments to sidestep as this attack is visible beforehand. To prevent taking multiple hits if charged upon by several players, it takes good positioning and attention thus avoiding a high –damage attack which can wipe instantly when hit simultaneously more than once

Drowning Mechanic

At specific health levels, Akkan may be knocked off and go into a drowning state. In this state, keep pressing space not to die and dodge yellow bar not to get drowned. It becomes harder each time it happens, thus avoiding this is of primary importance.

Path Selection

Select the right way in the evacuation segment by dodging falling dusts and debris. This guarantees safe passage from environmental threats and smoother progression. The wrong paths mean there are additional threats and possible wipes; therefore, keen eyeing should be accompanied with fast thinking.

Lost Ark Akkan Gate 2

Lost Ark Akkan Gate 3: The Final Task

This is, however, the toughest part in Gate 3 with intensified corruption mechanics and Akkan’s most powerful abilities. Filling the corruption meter faster and having more devastating effects make managing it more critical than ever.

Escalating Corruption

The corruption mechanism intensifies as the meter fills up quickly. Each time the meter fills, players are feared and receive a permanent debuff that stacks up to five times. These debuffs include poison damage, reduced healing, and even forced attacks on other players. To mitigate significant damage penalties and catastrophic results, this must be handled well.

Akkan’s Last Form

Akkan in his final form unleashes faster and stronger attacks on targets. His AoE attacks have larger areas of effect which necessitate precise dodging and positioning. Any wrong step here can cost you much hence require focus and concentration. Be mobile all the time while using your defensive abilities to lessen damage taken.

Stagger Phase

At certain health thresholds, Akkan teleports to the centre initiating a stagger check. Use Inanna sidereal skill for extra damage or strip him off his shield. Timing stagger abilities is crucial to maximize the damage window and prevent Akkan from executing powerful attacks.

Disease Meter

The player’s Disease Meter fills up in the event of being hit by Akkan patterns or during specific mechanics. Each time it reaches maximum, he becomes afraid and adds a permanent debuff. This debuff can pile up to 5 times. Every stack causes another adverse effect including poison damage and charm effects. It is crucial to manage this meter to avoid catastrophic consequences.

Tentacle Phase

When Akkan reaches certain health thresholds, tentacles will spawn around him. Don’t stand in the middle and destroy those tentacles quickly so as not to take extra damage or gain corruption stacks. Tentacles have a stun mechanic that they can use to displace players making it hard for one to dodge other mechanics at times if not dealt with properly.

Ghost Phase

Disregard green ghosts and puddles on the edge of the zone. Pick up the skull and move clockwise throwing it at marked locations in order to cleanse your movement speed debuff. For safe navigation during this phase use Cheap Robe method: Use Camouflage Robe here instead Ghosts can deal a lot of damage which could increase your Disease Meter when evaded incorrectly.


Lost Ark Akkan solo raid is a test of skill, strategy and stamina. Players can pass through this terrifying encounter by understanding and mastering the mechanics of each gate. With the detailed mechanics and strategies outlined here, you are well-equipped to face and defeat Akkan in this thrilling solo raid. Don’t forget to purchase Lost Ark Gold from U7BUY to get the upper hand in defeating Akkan.