Lost Ark Best Melee Builds

Every player on the battlefield has their own role to play, whether it’s taking down enemy numbers from afar, buffing up teammates, or fighting on the front line. If you are a fan of close-ranged combat, then this guide is for you. Select your preferred option from the list, and of course, you can later customize it through the Lost Ark shop.  

It’s important to remember that a good build can help you earn more game coins as well, in case the Lost Ark gold price isn’t to your liking! It helps to check for Lost gold items for sale every once in a while. 

Lost Ark Reaper 

Let’s begin with an Assassin class in the form of the Reaper. As you may already know, Assassins are renowned for their speed of both movement and attack, allowing them to get in quick hits on their opponents’ more game coins before swiftly drawing back.  

The Reaper class, in particular, excels at using trickery to cause havoc on the battlefield. Quite often, this involves the use of shadows and turning invisible. The following techniques highlight the slippery nature of the Reaper: 

  • Shadow Double: This allows you to cast a double, who will then throw a shuriken along with you. This is perfect for engaging enemies and reducing health before you dart in for some blade combat.
  • Dance of Fury: You’re able to slice through your enemies in a red haze in a very satisfying, anime-like fashion.
  • Distortion: A dimension-like attack that allows you to teleport from point A to point B while also destroying anything in your path. 

Lost Ark Berserker 

Armed with a deadly sword, the Berserker is built to strike fear into the enemy force. As the name suggests, the Berserker is a very attack-minded class whose sole purpose is to inflict as much damage as possible on the enemy before being taken down. This makes them ideal for both tough enemies as well as crowd control.  

The Berserker’s abilities range from powering up the sword for concentrated strikes to inflicting damage on as many enemies as possible. The following abilities are a perfect demonstration of the multiple applications of the Berserker: 

  • Berserk Fury: This charges up your blade in cinematic fashion and prepares you to launch a powerful single strike on your opponent. Perfect against formidable single enemies.
  • Whirlwind: This is perfect for crowd control, allowing you to swing your blade around like a mini tornado of death. 

Lost Ark Gunlancer

We can’t talk about Warrior classes without bringing up the Gunlancer. Lost gold items for sale while their raw power may not be as impressive as the Berserker, the Gunlancers are the perfect tools to lead the charge due to their team-centered abilities and impressive gun lance, allowing them to act as the first line of engagement against the enemy and coordinate attacks.  

The following abilities of the gun lancer highlight both their team-buffing specialties as well as solo attacks: 

  • Guardian’s Protection: As the name suggests, this is a buffing technique that not only improves the defense of your teammates within a certain area but also damages the enemy within that same area.
  • Charged Stinger: Concentrate your energy into a single point on your gun lance to launch a powerful strike on the enemy.
  • Hook Chain: A pretty unique ability that allows you to pull in enemies who you can then deal concentrated attacks to. 

Lost Ark Scrapper 

Scrapper is one of the most popular martial artists in the Lost Ark community, and for good reason. Not only is it incredibly satisfying to pummel through your enemies with the brutal gauntlets, but the epic balance of speed and destruction at your disposal makes things even more exhilarating. The following are the standout abilities of the Scrapper: 

  • Blast of Ruination: This allows you to unleash the power of your gauntlets in a colorful fashion as you load up a strike that can take down multiple enemies at once.
  • Undefeated Dragon King: An area of effect technique summons the wrath of the dragons to strike into the ground. 

Lost Ark Deathblade 

Another Assassin class on this list, the Deathblade, specializes in high-speed combat to cut down enemy numbers in quick succession. In this regard, you’ll have the luxury of three swords for a variety of attacking options, making both concentrated attacks as well as crowd control possible.  

The following abilities of the Deathblade exhibit the speed and deadly nature of the Deathblade build:  

  • Flash Blink: This enables you to essentially teleport through your opponent, blades unsheathed, of course, leaving corpses in your wake.
  • Moonlight Sonic: A spinning move that is perfect for crowd control.
  • Soul Absorber: A powerful stab that turns your enemies into ash.

Final Thoughts

In Lost Ark, whether you prefer the stealthy trickery of the Reaper, the sheer power of the Berserker, the strategic teamwork of the Gunlancer, the balanced prowess of the Scrapper, or the swift lethality of the Deathblade, Here offers a diverse range of best Lost Ark melee builds to suit every playstyle.