Overwatch 2 Heroes Tier List May 2024

U7BUY has all your gaming needs at great prices whether that be some extra boosters or a new account for a game. Go look at the Overwatch account for sale at U7BUY! Overwatch 2 is known for the immense number of Overwatch 2 Heroes that you get to play as, but which ones are the best when it comes to looking at them on a tier list?

Thankfully, there are lots of “S” tier Heroes on Overwatch 2 which means that they are incredibly good if not the best heroes to play as. The first of these Heroes is Tracer. While Tracer is considered the mascot of Overwatch 2, she can be pretty difficult to learn. However, her top speed and the amazing tricks you can pull off with her can make you quite the contender.

Next is Zenyatta who is a difficult Overwatch 2 support Hero to learn but comes with great rewards. Zenyatta has a special ability to provide a ton of healing to his team for long periods of time at a fast pace. This is also not mentioning his orbs which can be used for this healing as well as be thrown to cause damage to opponents.

Then there’s Wrecking Ball who is unlike other tank Heroes in Overwatch 2, known for his incredible range of movement. He can even use that movement to attack players by building momentum by swinging! This makes him great for rushing into battles while still having a great amount of health and OW armor to protect himself.

Now we move onto the “A” tier of  Overwatch 2 Heroes. These Heroes may not be the very best but are still amazing at what they can do. D.VA is a great example of this as a OW tank. She has a ton of abilities that not only help counter other Heroes but also have extra shields and can even fly over distances to help with her movement.

Ashe is another great Overwatch 2 Hero specifically for players known for their good aim. This can make her more difficult to get the hang of to get more use from her, but she can do a lot with her dynamite and ultimate. She is overall a great pick when you want to get into the meat of the battlefield with a simple but powerful shotgun.

Kiriko is another great support pick and honestly quite beginner-friendly thanks to her high damage output and movement. While getting used to her kunai weapons can be a challenge at first, she’s still very fun and great for those who want to pick a support Hero and fight at the same time without worrying too much about possibly throwing a match.

Now we get onto the “B” tier level of Heroes. These guys are still capable of performing very well in games, especially after lots of hours of practice, but they tend to have one or more flaws that can make it more difficult for them to shine compared to other Heroes. However, they are still far from average.

Hanzo is reliant on his bow and therefore great aim comes from the player. But Hanzo has a great level of damage output especially against Heroes Overwatch 2 with less momentum. This is especially true when it comes to his ultimate, which is capable of wiping out lots of enemy team members and becoming a game-changer of a move.

Ana is another Overwatch Hero that is intimidating to use due to her relying on good aim, especially since she is a sniper after all. With Ana’s sniper rifle though, she can heal her teammates quickly and from far away along with being able to shoot her sleep darts at her enemies. These darts not only work as a good distraction but can quickly end an opponent’s life.

Then there’s Zarya who used to be an incredibly powerful tank and still is but was hit with lots of nerfs in past updates for Overwatch 2. The barriers that she puts up now are much weaker, but her cannon still does a ton of damage against opponents with ease. Zarya’s ultimate is also quite the threat.

Now we move on to “C” tier, which is just the average rated Hero in Overwatch 2 with not too many up or down sides. Echo is a great example of such as while she has an amazing ability to clone herself as other Heroes, she cannot clone herself above a certain health point. While she still has other projectiles she can use, other OW Heroes simply got her beat.

Orisa has lots of benefits to her arsenal, but she can struggle when it comes to being alone with her team. This means that there is more of a reliance on the team to play well to have Overwatch 2  Orisa’s efforts count. She can break barriers and such so she no longer must wait for others to break them, but a dependence is still there.

Symmetra is considered average because of her lack of useful powers. The main power that players use and rely on is her ability to teleport others, but otherwise, her other abilities are outdated and nowhere near as useful as they used to be in the first game. With that, she is often overshadowed.

Now we get to the “D” tier Hero in Overwatch 2. While this is the lowest OW ranking, that doesn’t make the Hero completely unplayable but just the hardest to shine with. Lifeweaver, despite being a newer support, struggles due to his slow healing abilities. While he does come with being able to give other Overwatch 2 Heroes the high ground, he could also accidentally do that with opponents too! There are lots of Heroes in Overwatch 2 that can be ranked, but no matter where they are placed, it is always up to the player to how each one is spotlighted in a match. Even the strongest Heroes can struggle as much as a supposed lower-ranked Hero can, but their capabilities are on a long and wide range. Purchase yourself some OW coins today!