Path of Exile Guide to Crafting

Path of Exile Guide to Crafting

Path of Exile crafting is central to the gameplay and accounts for a significant amount of the game. You may customize your equipment by crafting to fit your unique playstyle and build specifications. Crafting helps you with customization. As you progress through the game, crafting enables you to upgrade your gear, which helps in continuous power progression. Crafting provides a means to bridge the gap between finding suitable gear drops and reaching endgame viability.

In the endgame, PoE crafting becomes essential for optimizing gear to tackle the toughest challenges, such as high-level maps, bosses, and the deepest Delve depths. Fine-tuning gear through crafting can maximize damage output, survivability, and utility, allowing players to push their characters to their limits.

In Path Of Exile, crafting also helps you with economic aspects. You can trade or sell the items after crafting the exchange of in-game currency. It contributes to your wealth accumulation and ability to acquire desired gear or progress in the game.

In short, crafting is a big aspect of Path of Exile and demands patience, time, the correct approach, and the right strategies to fully exploit it while proceeding through your gameplay journey. You are on the right page if you are looking for a perfect Path of Exile crafting guide. This guide will cover all the basic information and approaches related to crafting and give you the right strategies for efficient crafting.

Understanding Crafting Basics

Before you embark on the crafting journey, it is very important to understand the basics. Below are some crafting basics to help you understand them well.

Item Rarity & Modifiers

In Path of Exile, items come in various rarities: normal, Magic, Rare, and Unique. Once you know the rarities of the items, you can craft the one you need or require the most.

Crafting Currency

Orbs like Transmutation, Augmentation, and Regal are used to modify item rarities and add or reroll modifiers. Exalted Orbs and Chaos Orbs are higher-tier currency items used in advanced crafting methods. Use them wisely to craft items efficiently.

Item Level and Affixes

Item Level refers to the level of the monster that dropped the item or the level of the area where it dropped. The Item Level (ilvl) determines the potential affixes an item can roll when it is crafted or modified.

On the other hand, Affixes (also known as modifiers) are additional properties that an item can possess, enhancing its stats and capabilities. Affixes come in different tiers of power, with higher-ilvl items capable of rolling stronger affixes.

Understanding item levels and affixes allows players to make informed decisions when crafting or modifying items. By identifying the potential modifiers based on ilvl and affix types, players can optimize their gear to suit their build objectives and playstyle preferences.

Path of Exile Crafting - Item Level

Basic Crafting Techniques

Before you embark on a crafting journey, it is very important to get acquainted with the basic crafting techniques that will help you along the way. Below are some basic crafting techniques to help you with the process.

Currency Crafting

In Path of Exile, various currency orbs are crucial in crafting and modifying items. Below is the breakdown and mention of the functionality of each orb in Path Of Exile:

  • Transmutation Orbs: Upgrades Normal items to Magic, granting one random modifier.
  • Alteration Orbs: Rerolls Magic item modifiers.
  • Regal Orbs: Upgrades Magic items to Rare, adding one new modifier.
  • Chaos Orbs: Rerolls Rare item modifiers, providing a new set of affixes.
  • Orb of Alchemy: Upgrades Normal items to Rare, adding a full set of random modifiers.

Vendor Recipes

Here, you can exchange specific item sets with vendors for guaranteed results, such as obtaining currency items or upgrading item rarities.

Master Crafting

Unlock crafting benches in your hideout by leveling up Masters and completing their quests. Crafting benches offer specific modifiers that can be added to items, such as resistances, attributes, or flat damage.

Affix Management & Strategies

Managing affixes is very important while crafting and adding modifiers to the items. Below are some affix management strategies to help you with the crafting process.

Balancing Prefixes & Suffixes

Here, each item can have up to three prefixes and three suffixes. You can strategically balance these affixes for optimal item power. Understanding which affixes are prefixes and which are suffixes is crucial for planning and optimizing crafted items.

Affix Manipulation

Utilize currency items like Scouring Orbs and Exalted Orbs to manage affixes, adding, removing, or replacing them as needed. Scouring Orbs remove all modifiers from an item, while Exalted Orbs add a new random modifier.

Crafting Bench Utilization

Leverage the crafting bench in your hideout to guarantee specific mods on items, reducing randomness in crafting outcomes. Crafting benches allow for targeted crafting, ensuring desired modifiers are added to items.

Maximizing Item Quality

You can increase item quality to enhance its effectiveness, using various methods like Blacksmith’s Whetstones or Armourer’s Scarps. Quality improves an item’s stats such as increased physical damage for weapons or improved armor rating for armor pieces. Focus on maximizing item quality to get an edge on the battlefield.

Path of Exile Crafting

Tips For Effective Crafting

Below are some tips, tricks, and strategies to help you craft items efficiently.

  • Plan Strategically: Before crafting, consider your desired outcome and available resources. Decide which crafting methods are most appropriate for your goals.
  • Understand Item Level and Affix Tiers: Item level determines the potential affixes that can roll on an item, while affix tiers determine the strength of those affixes.
  • Use High-Level Base Items: Higher item levels increase the likelihood of rolling desirable affixes. Consider using high-level base items for more potent crafts.
  • Consider Value Before Investing: Before using expensive currency orbs, consider the value of the item and whether the potential outcome justifies the investment.
  • Experiment and Learn: Crafting in POE is a learning process. Experiment with different crafting methods and combinations to gain experience and improve your skills.


In short, crafting is a time-consuming process and you need to plan and strategize your moves to craft items efficiently. With the tips given above, you can craft and utilize the items efficiently. It is very important to have an idea about the rarity of items and the crafting techniques to successfully craft the items you desire or need at the moment. Don’t forget to purchase Path of Exile (PoE) Currency from U7BUY for a smoother crafting experience in the game.