Raid Shadow Legends: Wallmaster Othorion Guide

Raid Shadow Legends Wallmaster Othorion

Welcome to the Raid Shadow Legends champions guide. Today, we will take a look at the best High Elves champion, Wallmaster Othorion.

I did say “the best” champion under the High Elves faction. If you read our Raid Shadow Legends Tier List, you will know how highly we rated this champion.

Wallmaster Othorion is a legendary attack champion. He is also a fairly new champion in the game. If I’m not wrong, it’s been just a couple of months since he’s been added to the game.

I haven’t seen many people playing him or even knowing how to build him. It is understandable, as he is a new champion. Not only is he super versatile, he is super strong against a lot of bosses.

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In this guide, let’s talk about his abilities, masteries, blessings, and artifacts.

Wallmaster Othorion’s abilities

  • Skyfall Arrow

This ability attacks all the enemies. This attack will not trigger any counterattacks. Fill your turn meter by 5% for each living enemy after the attack. The damage of this ability is based on ATK.

The damage goes up to 20% at level 5.

  • Falcon Shot

Another AOE attack. Falcon Shot attacks all the enemies twice. You get a 75% chance of placing the Block Buffs debuff for 2 turns on the first attack and a 75% chance of placing a 50% Decrease ATK debuff for 2 turns on the second attack.

It also fills your turn meter by 5% for every living enemy after the attack.

This ability’s damage is based on ATK and Enemy MAX HP.

  • Forever Marked

This ability gives you a 50% Increase ATK buff, a 50% Increase ACC buff, and a 30% Increase SPD buff for 3 turns. Also grants an extra turn.

  • No Foe Too Great (passive)

This passive lets Wallmaster Othorion gain MAX HP by 20% for each enemy killed or Hydra Head decapitated. Stacks up to 50,000.

His abilities go well with each other. His A1 and A2 fill his turn meter and his A3 gives him an extra turn. Since his base health is low, his passive comes in handy to give him that much-needed HP.

Wallmaster Othorion’s masteries

For masteries, we will be going for offense and support.

Considering this build, I thought this mastery build would be the most effective for Wallmaster Othorion.

Of course, there are multiple other builds, like where people go with offense and defense or choose different masteries under offense and support, but this is my choice of mastery build.

Under offense, we will be getting the tier 6 mastery Warmaster. This is the go-to tier 6 mastery for most damage dealers. Warmaster gives you a 60% chance to deal bonus damage while attacking.

This bonus damage is based on the enemy target’s MAX HP. If the enemy is a champion, the bonus damage is 10% of the target’s MAX HP. If the enemy is a boss, then the bonus damage is 4% of the target’s MAX HP.

Under the support tree, we will be building towards Master Hexer. This mastery gives you a 30% chance to increase the debuff duration by 1 turn.

If you look at your A2, you have a very high chance of placing the “Block Buffs” and “Decrease ATK” debuffs. Both of these debuffs are great against the Hydra clan boss.

Wallmaster Othorion’s best blessings

Cruelty: This is our choice of blessing for Wallmaster Othorion. Whenever you attack an enemy, it decreases their DEF until the end of the round.

This is the best blessing to use against bosses. This increases your team’s overall damage output by reducing the enemy’s DEF.

Keep in mind that this is a team blessing. If someone from your team already has it, consider using another blessing. Crushing Rend is also a great blessing but it requires 6 star.

Stats and Artifacts

Looking at all of his abilities and the build so far, this calls for ATK%, CRIT RATE, and CRIT DMG, along with SPD and ACC stats to focus on.

ATK%, C.RATE, and C.DMG are meant to boost his AOE damage output, while ACC lets you land the debuffs much better.

SPD stat along with his A1, A2, which fills his turn meter, and A3, which gives him an extra turn, will prove to be super effective.

When it comes to artifacts, look for sets with perception, lethal/savage, cruel, and slayer.


Wallmaster Othorion is one of the greatest Raid Shadow Legends champions to use against Hydra. His kit is designed in a way to easily defeat this boss.

You deal a lot of damage with this champion and your passive gives you extra MAX HP for every enemy killed or a hydra head beheaded. Making him an S-tier choice against the Hydra clan boss.

Not just Hydra, but Wallmaster Othorion is effective in a lot of other scenarios. This is why we put him in the S-tier under the High Elves faction. If you want to know more about the S-tier champions from all factions, you need to check out our Raid Shadow Legends Tier List.