Rainbow Six Siege Operator: Dokkaebi R6 Guide

If you are ever in need of a head start for your games, look over at U7BUY at some boosted accounts! Get a Glacier R6 account for sale now! Dokkaebi is becoming a strong R6 Attacker and might be one of the strongest in the whole game of Rainbow Six Siege. But what makes her so strong and how do you even play as her in the first place?

Who is She?

If you need some boosts to your gameplay, get some R6 boosters at U7BUY today! Dokkaebi R6 served in the Republic of Korea army which made her intelligence in technology really stand out to shine. She would later join the 9th Special Forces Brigade, Ghost Corps, and more thanks to her adeptness and determination that is stronger than any. Eventually, she would find herself in Team Rainbow with plenty of experience under her belt.

Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb

Rainbow Six Siege Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb can be incredibly useful when utilized correctly. Instead of being an actual bomb, Dokkaebi’s gadget works as a virus. This virus when activated will spread to all Defender R6 Operators’ phones which will cause them to let out a buzzing alarm for about 12 seconds unless manually turned off.

This alarm that goes off from a Rainbow Six Siege Defender’s phone will reveal each location of a Defender so that they can potentially be chased after and ambushed. Even if the affected Rainbow Six Siege Defender attempts to manually turn off the alarm, all an R6 Attacker needs is a second of viewing their location to find the Defender with ease.

Another feature of Dokkaebi R6 is that she is able to hack into the phones of dead Defenders too. Any time a Defender dies, their phone will be dropped next to their body. If Dokkaebi R6 picks it up and hacks it, she and the rest of the Attackers will gain access to all of the Rainbow Six Siege Defender cameras in the area.

One thing to be careful of though when hacking the cameras is that the rest of the Rainbow Six Siege Defenders will most likely be aware. Any hacked camera will change color from a Defender’s point of view from blue to gray. If a R6 Defender attempts to use a hacked camera, then R6 Dokkaebi’s logo will block the screen and the view.

Dokkaebi’s Loadout

When looking at R6 Dokkaebi’s loadout, it is a bit more unique compared to other R6 Operators. For her primary weapon choices, she has both the MK 14 EBR Marksman Rifle and the BOSG. 12.2 Shotgun. While the Rainbow Six Siege Marksman Rifle is the safer choice, the shotgun has the capability to take out enemies with one hit if you have the right aim.

For R6 Dokkaebi’s secondary weapons, you will have the choice between the SMG-12 Machine Pistol or the GONNE-6 Hand Cannon. The pistol is great for when needing to fight up close and personal thanks to its deadly shots. However, the GONNE-6 works very well with Rainbow Six Siege Dokkaebi’s gadgetry and such, so it really depends on what feels more comfortable for you.

Finally, the other gadgets that Dokkaebi R6 arries are different types of useful grenades. The one that will definitely be of more use is the EMP grenades that shut off any nearby Rainbow Six Siege Defender gadgets which pair well with the power of the Logic Bombs. Smoke grenades and stun grenades will also help with traversing the map and gaining the advantage in battle quickly.

How to Play as Dokkaebi

After looking at R6 Dokkaebi’s loadout, it is clear to say that she is mainly a support R6 Operator. Her gadgets such as the Logic Bomb focus on clearing out areas of the Rainbow Six Siege map of gadgets and cameras while also giving more control to her team over the Rainbow Six Siege Defenders to help them push further. With that, her loadout isn’t the best for getting a ton of kills which may turn off some players, but she is a great addition to the team for those who do enjoy this kind of play style even if once in a while.

Once again, Dokkaebi is great at clearing out R6 Defender gadgets and making each area safe for her Rainbow Six Siege Attacker team to go through. Not only does the Logic Bomb help as well as the grenades such as the EMP, but even her GONNE-6! The GONNE-6 can not only be used to shoot at R6 Defender gadgets to destroy them but also things like shields or even bulletproof cameras!


The good news for Dokkaebi R6 players is that there are very few counters against her which is part of what makes her so powerful. However, this is not so great for those who happen to play against her. The only real way to counter her is to somehow find out quickly that she is on the Rainbow Six Siege Attacker team.

If you find out that Dokkaebi R6 is on the Attacker team either by seeing her or getting affected by the alarm sound on phones caused by her Logic Bombs, there are a couple of things you can do. The first is to shoot off and destroy your Rainbow Six Siege Defender teammates’ phones. While this will definitely require cooperation, it will make it to where the Logic Bomb will have zero effects on your phones even after your teammates have died. If the alarm goes off on your phone, you will want to turn it off as quickly as possible so as not to reveal your and your team’s location for too long. While you can manually turn it off, the quickest way to counter the alarms is by placing Mute Jammers around the area yourR6  team is in in preparation. This way, any Logic Bomb sent your way will not reveal your location as long as you’re near a Rainbow Six Siege Mute Jammer. Besides these counters, the main other way is to simply hunt her down and try to take her out as quickly as you can before her team reaps the benefits of her gadgets.