Team Structure Guide for Arena of Valor

Arena of Valor is a successful Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game in which cooperation and organization skills are vital. Proper distribution of roles within a team increases a player’s chances to win considerably.

In this guide, you will learn about the five roles in a regular AoV team, the roles and general organization of the team, how to select Arena of Valor heroes, how to communicate effectively and coordinate on the battlefield, and how to adapt to new situations. If you want to top up Arena of Valor check out the U7BUY website.

Roles and Responsibilities

In Arena of Valor, a team consists of five players, each with a specific role:


The Tank role is the kind of hero that takes damage and receives all the pain the team does not want to endure. Usually, they possess the best health of the team and are expected to take all the heat for the enemy while the other members of the team deal damage.


The Warrior is another melee-based character with a relatively high attack and fewer hit points than the above-mentioned characters. They are commonly deployed in the Dark Slayer (DS) position and whose role is mostly to attack the enemy champions.


The Assassin is another hero with long-range abilities which makes the hero specialized in the burst damage to the other heroes. Instead, they wander around stalking the boons of the

jungle – killing monsters in the jungle and performing ganks for their team.


The Mage is a hero with magical powers waging attacks and can cause burst damage with any of his abilities that affect the enemies. They are usually positioned in the middle lane and their main role is to damage the enemies’ characters.


The Marksman is a hero who belongs to the Abyssal Dragon (AD) position that is placed at the bottom of the map. Their basic attacks scale from items, which means they are mainly responsible for dealing damage to the opponents.


As for the Support hero, the hero belongs to the category of providing crowd control, healing, and sustaining for the allies. These champions are also important in the early game, they are pushovers for the Marksman heroes in the AD lane in a way, as they babysit them.

Team Composition

A balanced team composition is crucial for success in Arena of Valor. A mix of roles and playstyles ensures that each hero can contribute effectively to the team’s strategy. Here are some examples of effective team compositions:

Classic 5v5: Having a balanced team normally consists of one Tank, one Warrior, one Assassin, one Mage, and one Marksman.

Jungle-focused: A composition of heroes that emphasizes JUNGLE heroes can be efficient in some cases the most popular of which is Assassin and Warrior classes.

Mage-focused: The general idea of building a team composition assuming that we will have only Mage heroes can also be effective in the mid-game but may not be very effective in the late game.

Hero Selection

Heroes can be chosen to complement the team, and finding a good composition of the heroes is critical. Here are some tips for choosing heroes that fit the team. If you want a more in-depth guide check out Arena of Valor Heroes blog.

Choose heroes that complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses: For instance, it would be effective to combine a Tank hero in a team with a Warrior hero, as the two can work together to create a powerful defense line.

Consider the enemy team composition: To maximize organization potential it is recommended to ban and pick heroes based on the opposing team and their usual strategies.

Experiment with different heroes: Experiment with heroes to gain insight into which one is best for you and your team.

Communication and Coordination

Communication and cooperation as important practice factors that define success in the operating team in Arena of Valor. Here are some strategies for improving communication

Use voice chat: Share your voice with your teammates so that you can all discuss strategies and respond to the movements of the adversaries.

Ping enemy positions: In this way, using the pinging system, indicate the location of the enemies to your teammates and they will be able to react accordingly.

Adapting to Situations

As mentioned earlier, Arena of Valor is not a static game but rather has a lot of situations where the player is required to adapt. Here are some strategies for adapting to different situations

Respond to enemy roams: These are roaming strategies that you must counter when the enemy team decides to roam to defend lanes.

Adjust to changes in the game’s economy: If you find yourself in a battle, focus on killing enemies, and do not forget to adapt to the current state of the game’s economy as for the gold and the items.


In conclusion, Arena of Valor roles on the team and a clear division of responsibilities are the keys to success when playing Arena of Valor. Selecting heroes that would suit the team, having proper communication and coordination with the team, adapting to the situations, not repeating the mistakes that are generally made, and using special tactics, will help enhance the capabilities of the team and increase the probability of winning.