The 10 Best Animated Series for Adults on Netflix

We don’t blame you if you immediately think of Family Guy and South Park when it comes to adult animated shows. But in reality, there’s more to this genre than Peter Griffin making crass jokes or pop culture references. Like any other story-telling medium, adult animation can show action, adventure, romance, and even different kinds of adult jokes.

Let us enlighten you to a whole new world of adult-oriented shows with these 10 best animated series for adults available on Netflix. Grab a Netflix gift card code, block out your weekend, and have a blast with these stories.

netflix arcane


Okay, League of Legends as a MOBA game is not everyone’s cup of tea. But despite that, it does have interesting characters and world-building. Luckily for those who don’t play the game, we can still enjoy all that through Arcane.

Yep, Riot Games, Netflix, and Studio Fortiche came together to make a Netflix animated series set in the world of League of Legends. If you’ve always wondered what made Jinx so kooky or why there are different factions in the story, Arcane has the answer to that.

netflix Blue Eye Samurai

Blue Eye Samurai

This is one of the newest Netflix animated series and, boy, did it show up with swords a-slashin’! Blue Eye Samurai is heavy on action, mystery, and adult themes, so you better buckle up before starting this series.

It’s about Mizu, an onna musha or female warrior, who is half Japanese and half white. She roams Edo Japan to get revenge on four men, one of which is her dad (gasp!). This gripping tale got a 100% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes and won multiple awards already. If you haven’t started this series, better hop to it.

Castlevania netflix


A Netflix best animated series for adults list won’t be complete without Netflix’s very own Castlevania adaptation! This was the series that raised Netflix’s reputation for adult animated shows. Yep, it’s that good!

It’s based on the Castlevania video game series and is chock-full of vampires, awesome fight scenes, and characters who just want to redeem themselves. You have four seasons plus a spinoff to enjoy, so be a house hermit-like Dracula and marathon this show for a weekend.

Love, Death & Robots netflix

Love, Death & Robots

This is another Netflix animated series that got praise from critics and audiences due to its creativity (each episode is animated by different studios) and unabashed take on love, death, and technology. Yep, fair warning, it gets really adult-y in certain episodes.

Still, it will tug your heartstrings and wriggle your brain. While the episodes are unrelated, they are connected through the concepts in the title. Think of it as the animated version of Black Mirror!

Inside Job netflix

Inside Job

Do we really know what goes on behind closed doors in our government agencies? If you’ve always wondered about secret projects, mind control, and the Illuminati, Inside Job lets you take a peek at the funny truth!

It’s basically Gravity Falls for adults (one of the producers is Alex Hirsch, Gravity Falls’ creator). It’s full of mysteries, hilarious characters, witty banter, and heartfelt moments after jokes. You’ll laugh, cry, and probably get suspicious about everything after watching.

Yasuke netflix


Yasuke as a historical figure is already super cool – he was an African warrior who ended up working under Oda Nobunaga. But in this unique retelling of history by Netflix and MAPPA, magic, demons, advanced tech, and loads of awesome fight scenes are added to the mix!

After his time as a legendary ronin under Nobunaga, Yasuke retires in a remote village to put his past behind him. But when a sick girl with magical powers shows up in his village, he realizes he has to face his demons (literally and figuratively) to help her. If you’re into history and cool anime fight scenes, this is the show for you.

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off netflix

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

In the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels and live-action movie, Scott falls for the mysterious Ramona Flowers and fights her seven powered-up exes to win her heart. But in this not-so-simple animated adaptation, Scott actually loses and things take an interesting turn for everyone.

Yep, in this alternate retelling, Scott changes the narrative by dying to one of Ramona’s exes. Ramona now has to find out what really happened to Scott. The protagonist can’t stay dead, right?

BoJack Horseman netflix

BoJack Horseman

When it comes to animated series for grown-ups, this is the horse show for us! It might not be as colorful or magical as the other popular horse show (no judgment here if you like that one), but this is definitely full of heart too.

BoJack Horseman tells the story of a washed-up celebrity trying to claw his way into popularity again. Throughout his journey, he faces his mental health struggles and emotional issues. Fair warning, this can get really heavy and relatable!

Entergalactic netflix


A slice-of-life adult romcom with trippy visuals and Kid Cudi songs? Sign us up! This Netflix animated series was released at the same time as Cudi’s Entergalactic album in 2023.

Think of this as the movie companion piece to the album. You get to enjoy the songs while watching a lovely story about a guy who’s almost at the top of his career but wonders if he has space in his life for romance. We definitely have space in our lives for this jam!

Aggretsuko netflix


We saved the best and cutest for last! Aggretsuko is a relatable tale of a young office worker who goes to karaoke bars to sing death metal just to de-stress (we feel you, girl). That alone makes it one of the best animated series for adults. Annoying boss? Growl it out. After all, when life gives you lemons, you gotta sing death metal to deal with it!

But before you karaoke it out with Aggretsuko, get your Netflix gift cards at and learn how to redeem your Netflix gift card code in a fast and easy way. Got that sorted? Good, let’s boogie and marathon these shows!