The Basic Guide to Progression in Summoners War: Sky Arena

We’re going to assume that you want to reach the best monsters in Summoners War as quickly as possible. This means that you really need to learn how to progress through the game. That’s what this guide is about. We’ll teach you the overall progression arc in Summoners War: Sky Arena, helping you to reach the end game sooner, rather than later.

Remember – you can skip many of these stages by getting a Summoners War account for sale from us here at

Scenarios & Monster Leveling

When playing Summoners War, your first goal is to get through all the scenarios in the game. You only need to complete them in normal mode, but you can complete them at higher difficulties later on. This is because completing the scenarios will unlock all sorts of cool content, and you’ll be leveling up your monsters at the same time.

Along the way, you’ll also get a few key pieces of gear:

  • The 4* energy set, which will come from Aiden.
  • The 5* blade set, which will come from Chiruka

Both of these sets will work well during the early part of the end game, and you’ll almost certainly need them when you’re diving into the harder modes of the game.

In addition to this, playing through the scenarios in Summoners War will introduce you to the various game mechanics, and you’ll get a feel for what needs to be done. This is important because while Summoners War can look like an easy game to begin with, there are a lot of complicated mechanics that can be tough to wrap your head around. The story will introduce these mechanics to you slowly, which makes the whole game a bit easier to handle.

Faimon Hard

Once the scenarios are over, you’ll want to build up your basic monsters to get through Faimon Hard. Hopefully, this shouldn’t take you too long. Faimon Hard will be a nice test of the levels of your various monsters, as well as your skills.

You should be able to clear Faimon Hard easily before you progress to the next part of the game. It is the next part when you are truly entering the end game of Summoners War: Sky Arena.

Giant’s Keep, Basement 10

You’ll also see this listed as GB10.

You’ll only be able to complete this if you’ve been able to nail Faimon Hard so, if you can’t, then go back to that.

GB10 is where you’ll be collecting your runes for Summoners War. This is what will allow you to upgrade your team. So, you’ll be spending a lot of time farming this area. You’ll get progressively quicker as you get access to more monsters and runes.

You’ll want to focus heavily on Veromos here, since a lot of late-game builds will use Veromos. You might not have access to Veromos at the start, but he’ll eventually be a monster that you can use.

Your aim is to keep working on your team until you can complete about 90% of your GB10 runs without difficulty. You’ll eventually come back to this game mode but, for now, it’s time to move on.

Tower of Ascension: Normal

You’ll want to get to this part of the game as quickly as you can, since you can only clear it once per month. You should be able to clear it easily if you’ve built up a decent GB10 team, so that’s not an issue. You’ll unlock loads of cool rewards here, and those rewards will see you quickly building up your team.

Dragon’s Lair, Basement 10

This is DB10.

This is where you’ll want to try and grind out the Violent Rune Set. It will take a while to build up a team that can clear DB10, but it is worth it.

Tower of Ascension Hard

With a quality DB10 team, this part isn’t that difficult to clear. Once again, you can do it once per month. The rewards are much the same as you would find in normal. It is just an extra tower to complete, which means that you now get both rewards.

Rift of Worlds, Raid Level 5

If you’re able to hit Floor 70 of the hard tower, you can start to work on this. You’ll be getting Enchanted Gems and Grindstones from your runs here, and they are important for upgrading your runes.

You’ll want to farm this a lot, because you’ve got a lot of runes to upgrade.

Necropolis, Basement 10

Also known as NB10.

Here, you’ll be getting all the rune sets you’ll need for the true end game – PVP.

Once you can clear NB10 pretty quickly, you can start progressing into PVP (we suggest Guild Wars), where you can give your final boost to your monsters.

You can also check out the best monsters in Summoners War to guide your direction.