The Basics of League of Legends Summoner Spells

If you need help looking for an online account, U7BUY has plenty for you to choose. Check out a LOL account for sale right now! Summoner Spells are something that only the player can use. They can be buffs or abilities that help their Champions move further into the match and beat their opponents. But how do they work and how many are there?

What Are Summoner Spells?

Summoner Spells are spells that the player can activate to help their LOL Champions succeed in a match. This can go from simple healing to full-on buffs or abilities. While there are a ton of Summoner Spells in League of Legends, the player is only allowed to take in two at a time for every match. These two LOL spells are selected in the Champion Select menu, or you can choose to bring none at all.

Depending on the League of Legends Summoner Spell you use or the Champion that you cast it on, the spell can have its effectiveness and powers increased if the Champion’s level is higher. But this is not the case for all LOL Champions as some of them will have spells cast the same as their base power no matter how high level the Champion is at.

To better understand what League of Legends Summoner Spells are at their basic level, we will go over the regularly available spells that can be unlocked. These spells unlock based on your Summoner level which can go up after completing matches and missions successfully. A new player will start off with only two LOL Summoner Spells available but will eventually earn all 12 after reaching Summoner level 9.


The League of Legends Heal Summoner Spell is self-explanatory. Any Champion with the Heal spell cast on them will have their health fully replenished with an ally gaining a small boost in their movement speed for a short amount of time.


The Ghost Summoner Spell has a Champion affected by it have their movement speed increased dramatically while also being able to phase through objects and opponents. They are essentially invisible for a short period.


The LOL Barrier Summoner Spell creates a shield around your Champion of choice for a couple of seconds which completely protects them from damage. This is great for whenever a Champion is low on health or is in a powerful position.


The League of Legends Clarity spell will simply restore a certain amount of LOL Mana to all of your Champions. This could be useful for Champions who use more Mana compared to others.


The Flash spell gives an incredibly fun advantage to your Champion of choice. When cast, the Champion selected will be able to instantly teleport to wherever you point to which allows them to make some quick attacks or dodge out of danger.


The Teleport is really similar to the Flash spell, only a bit slower. While Flash is more useful for combat, the Teleport spell may be better for the support class Champions since it allows them to teleport to an ally of their choice after a few seconds.


Exhaust is a more unique League of Legends Summoner Spell as it will affect your enemy Champions instead of your own. When cast on an enemy Champion, that Champion will have their movement speed slowed down as well as have their damage output reduced for a small period.


Smite is a straightforward Summer Spell. All it does is hit a targeted monster, enemy minion, or pet with True Damage.

Mark and Dash

Mark and Dash are a bit of a weird spell. When an enemy is targeted, your Champion will throw a snowball at the enemy to target them. After that, there is a chance for the enemy that was hit to be dashed toward by your Champion to do some extra damage while having some good momentum.


This spell is simple but incredibly useful to have with you depending on the team that you go against. Cleanse will get rid of any crowd control or LOL Summoner Spell debuff that is cast onto your Champion.


The Ignite League of Legends Summoner Spell is very popular among players. Not only will casting this spell on an enemy will light them on fire for damage for a couple of seconds, but it will also reduce any attempts at healing and expose them. This means that the enemy will be revealed to other LOL Champions quickly so that they may target it. Even when Cleanse is used, the healing debuff will still be in effect. Top up LOL with U7BUY today!