The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) Veteran Maelstrom Arena Guide

Veteran Maelstrom Arena - Elder Scrolls Online

ESO Veteran Maelstrom Arena is a single-player or four-player-based combat Arena. This arena is made up of nine distinct levels, each with its own unique characteristics. All of these stages have 2 levels of difficulties called Normal and Veteran. One of the most difficult achievements in the game is the Maelstrom Arena on Veteran difficulty (VMA), especially for players who are very new to the game.  The difference in style of a stage may require you to adjust your armour settings and tactics. You can talk to Tutor Riparius in between each level to sell unwanted goods, buy potions, or fix your equipment. In this guide, we will provide you with the best possible information about clearing Veteran Maelstrom Arena. 

The Mechanics of ESO Veteran Maelstrom Arena 

Depending on your play style, character class, and build, there are numerous ways to get ready for a Veteran Maelstrom Arena completion. To ensure a successful run, make the necessary preparations and use a specialized Solo PVE Build. There are nine stages at Maelstrom Arena. Each stage consists of multiple rounds with distinct mechanics to conquer and a small boss at the end of each round. Certain mechanics apply to the whole arena, while others are exclusive to each stage’s round and will only be present during that particular round. The primary challenge in Veteran Maelstrom Arena (VMA) stems from the player’s potential disorientation caused by the many adversaries and their abilities. Because of everything going on around you, it’s common to feel overwhelmed when completing VMA for the first time. You will gain a better understanding of the mechanics and how you should respond to them as you spend more time in the Maelstrom Arena.

Weapons to Use in ESO Veteran Maelstrom Arena

Maelstrom Arena Weapons

There are certain weapons that you can use to clear this, Arena. The normal and veteran mode drop Maelstrom Arena Weapons. It is possible to gain the perfected versions of these weapons in veteran mode and the non-perfected versions in normal mode. Some of the weapons are listed below: 

  • Perfected Rampaging Slash & Rampaging Slash
  • Perfected Thunderous Volley & Thunderous Volley
  • Perfected Cruel Flurry & Cruel Flurry
  • Perfected Merciless Charge & Merciless Charge
  • Perfected Precise Regeneration & Precise Regeneration
  • Perfected Crushing Wall & Crushing Wall

Entering the stages of Maelstrom Arena 

Be sure to accept the repeating task that Fa-Nuit Hen, the NPC, provides you before you enter the Maelstrom Arena’s first stage. Using this mission as a save game, you can exit MSA or log out and resume in the arena you were in before starting over from scratch. 

Each of the Maelstrom Arena’s four rounds contains four sigils. Don’t be afraid to utilise them if you feel the need to because they respawn before every single round. 

An essential component of the Maelstrom Arena in ESO is kiting. It indicates that you make an effort to avoid the monsters while still confronting them. You can still harm the creatures in this fashion. 

Arena 1 – Vale of the Surreal

In all of Maelstrom Arena in ESO, this boss is the simplest. As soon as the boss spawns, set down your ground-based area of effect spells and begin dealing damage to him. In this section of the Maelstrom Arena, use the axe and shield sigils; activate them as soon as the boss appears.

Arena 2 – Seht’s Balcony

There will be many enemies, spinning blades, shock fields, and a monster trio known as Centurion Champion. At this point, the speed sigil and the healing sigil are both quite helpful.

Arena 3 – Drome of Toxic Shock

It will put your attentiveness to the test because the water there might occasionally become electrified, and you need to be careful. Take out more enemies before concentrating on the main one. 

Arena 4 – Seht’s Flywheel

“The Control Guardian,” a massive boss dwemer spider, awaits you at the end of this stage. Killing this boss quickly will make things much easier because he will spawn more enemies as the battle lasts. 

Arena 5 – Rink of Frozen Blood

Rink of Frozen Blood Arena

Most players find difficulty at the Rink of the Frozen Blood since the end boss Matriarch Runa truly puts your abilities to the test. Generally speaking, your first priority should be the ranged Huntsmen mobs. Their assaults do a substantial amount of damage.

Arena 6 – Spiral Shadows

Towards the end, you will face the enormous spider boss known as the “Champion of Atrocity.”The boss should be at least 50% till you stun her.

Arena 7 – Vault of Umbrage

The “Argonian Behemoth” boss is the one you must defeat in the end. The seventh Maelstrom Arena stage is called the Vault of Umbrage, and it can be one of the most difficult ones to finish because there are poisonous flowers all over the place. 

Arena 8 – Igneous Cistern

This one features a boss named “Valkyn Tephra,” who was significantly weakened, so while she still presents a challenge, don’t shrug off her as being too easy. 

Arena 9 – Theater of Despair

This stage will be the final test of your abilities. The ninth arena is quite challenging even before we encounter Voriak Solkyn, the final boss. 


In conclusion, through meticulous preparation, a thorough understanding of the mechanics, and skilful strategy execution, you can clear the Veteran Maelstrom Arena and take home its much-coveted spoils. Additionally, you can greatly increase your odds of success by becoming proficient with potions and other ultimate powers. Don’t forget to purchase The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) Gold from U7BUY for a smoother gameplay experience while exploring Veteran Maelstrom Arena.