Top 3 Best Rainbow Six Siege Attackers

If you are ever looking to start a new online game but want a head start, U7BUY has got you covered. Check out some of the Rainbow Six Siege accounts for sale now! With so many R6 Operators to pick on both the Defender and Attacker sides of Rainbow Six Siege, it can be hard to pick one that you feel will be the best. Well, here are the top 3 R6 Attackers in Rainbow Six Siege!

The Qualities

If you are ever in need of some R6 rank boosting, U7BUY is the place to be! To determine if an R6 Attacker Operator is of top quality, there are a couple of factors to consider. These include how adaptable each Rainbow Six Siege Attacker’s abilities are to certain situations. If their gadgets, for example, are able to be used across a wide range of scenarios and can counter multiple kinds of R6 Defenders, then they are more likely to be a very strong Siege Operator!

Other important factors include having a higher health stat to tank lots of damage or having a higher speed stat to travel through Rainbow Six Siege maps quickly and dodge straying bullets. One thing to keep in mind about any strong R6 Attacker or Operator, in general, is that some may have a higher learning curve than others, so keep that in mind if you decide to try them out.

#1 – Nomad

Nomad is the best Attacker R6 Operator in Rainbow Six Siege mainly thanks to her impressive grenade launching rifle. Her main ability works is that Nomad can launch grenades with her rifle in any direction at a really far range and with more accurate aim compared to simply throwing one.

Each grenade that Rainbow Six Siege Nomad launches from her rifle is able to stick to any surface it is launched at. After that, Nomad has the power to either detonate them whenever, or they will automatically explode when an enemy is in its range to severely damage them and possibly knock them down. These are called R6 Airjab grenades and Nomad can carry three of them at a time, but they are incredibly deadly and game-changing.

R6 Nomad has a decent amount of health and speed to carry her through a match. However, she is considered to have a pretty high learning curve thanks to her Airjab grenades giving her plenty of opportunities to make. These Rainbow Six Siege grenades can not only take out some top players when placed in the right spots but also break down reinforced barriers.

Then there are the other extra tools and perks that Nomad carries in her arsenal. Nomad comes equipped with both a Rainbow Six Siege Breach Charge and some Stun Grenades. Stun Grenades can, as their name suggests, stun other players for a short period of time to make it easier to quickly escape or attack. The Breach Charge meanwhile will also easily make an opening through reinforced doorways.

#2 – Zero

R6 Zero is considered the second-best Attacker thanks to his ability to easily view through walls with his main gadget called the Argus Launcher. The Argus can attach itself to any set of walls in which Rainbow Six Siege Zero can access a tablet to turn it on at any time. Through that tablet can Zero look on the other side of the wall from where the Argus was placed including the side it is on too!

There is another perk to the R6 Argus gadget. The Argus can also shoot out a single laser that can destroy other Rainbow Six Siege Defender gadgets. This can help clear a pathway for you and your other R6 Attackers while also using the Argus to check if the other side is clear of R6 Defenders or not. You can view through the Argus as long as you want, which can even allow you to spy on other players.

Rainbow Six Siege Zero is also one of the fastest Operators R6 which helps him travel through maps much faster compared to other R6 Operators. However, this faster speed comes at the cost of Zero’s health as it is also much lower in comparison. This can make Zero R6 more difficult to play as at first, but his speed can really help him in avoiding damage and saving time with enough practice.

Another perk to Zero’s high speed is his claymore. The claymore is a gadget that only a few other R6 Attackers have. With Zero’s speed, he is already great when it comes to his mobility around the map. This claymore will let R6 Zero climb alongside buildings or long walls to climb into windows, furthering his great mobility.

#3 – Thatcher

Finally, we get to Rainbow Six Siege Thatcher. Thatcher also uses a grenade as his main gadget just like Nomad, only this grenade is thrown instead of using a gun or a R6 launcher. This grenade is called the EMP grenade. When thrown, it will light up in lights and explode once it hits the ground. This explosion will cause all Siege Defender gadgets to be destroyed immediately.

These grenades that Thatcher carries are amazing for clearing out any room with potential gadgets and throwing off some players inside. Compared to other gadgets that R6 Operators use, Thatcher’s is probably one of the best for taking out gadgets since it can take out multiple at once without needing to find them at first. This means Rainbow Six Siege Thatcher can counter even the most subtle traps from veteran players.

Thatcher is relatively easy to pick up and play too. This is thanks to how relatively straightforward his grenades are to understand and use compared to other R6 Operators that may require a better use of aim or timing. However, playing as Rainbow Six Siege Thatcher for a long time can make you learn some more advanced playstyles quickly. The main downside to Thatcher is his lower speed. He does rank as one of the slower R6 Operators when it comes to movement speed despite also having a claymore just like Rainbow Six Siege Zero. This can make Thatcher slower when he climbs up walls with the claymore as well, so be careful. But Thatcher does have a higher amount of health to make up for this, so don’t sweat too hard.