Upcoming Black Myth: WuKong on Steam

black myth wukong

Without a doubt, Black Myth: Wukong, which will be accessible on our favorite platform, Steam, is the most anticipated video game of 2024.

It would be almost unlikely for any fan of video games to be unaware of this title. All of the players have been talking about it, especially the ones who enjoy decent role-playing games with a mythological theme.

Game Science is developing Black Myth WuKong, an action-based role-playing game based on Chinese mythology. Game Science is an independent studio based in China. A small independent studio creating a beautiful-looking game with great combat mechanics? This is a huge plus among the gaming community; people love supporting indie and small game developers!

The title of the game may have given it away: it is based on the Chinese novel “Journey to the West,” written in the sixteenth century. If you read a lot of books, you probably already know about this one. It is among the four outstanding classic books that helped shape Chinese literature. If you were unfamiliar with it from the books, you may have heard of it from the well-known movie series at least.

Though we have only seen bits and pieces in the trailers, the game has managed to depict Chinese mythology perfectly.

What I mean by perfect is that the game has not only managed to show the protagonist in the best way possible, but they’ve also shown the beautiful world of Chinese mythology, like its’ architecture, clothing, weapons, and stunning bosses and monsters.

black myth wukong monsters

Bosses like the Macaque Chief, Wolf Demon, Black Loong, and a few more have already been introduced through the gameplay trailers, and trust me, they all look amazing.

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Everything we know about Black Myth: Wukong so far

Black Myth Wukong will be available on August 20, 2024. Though the trailer was first revealed 4 years ago, the players have been eagerly waiting for this masterpiece.

Imagine a game that looked so amazing 4 years ago; it only keeps us wondering how much better it has become in the past few years.

The game will be available on all major platforms, like Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.

How much will Black Myth: Wukong cost?

The game has already been added to the Steam page for PC players. You can pre-purchase the game right now on the Steam platform; Black Myth Wukong is priced at 59.99 USD.

The deluxe edition of this game is priced at 69.99 USD. This edition includes the full game, Bronzecloud Staff, Folk Opera Mask, Folk Opera Almsgiving Armor, Folk Opera Leather Bracers, and Folk Opera Buskins, along with a Wind Chimes Curio and a digital soundtrack.

Pre-ordering any of the editions lets you directly claim an item called “The Trailblazer’s Scarlet Gourd.”

Black Myth: Wukong system requirements

The minimum and recommended requirements for playing this game are fairly reasonable.

Black Myth Wukong system requirements

Minimum requirements let you play the game in acceptable quality settings with a decent frame rate.

But if you want to experience the best quality with a higher frame rate, you will need the recommended system requirements.

Does your PC meet these requirements? Then what are you waiting for? buy a Steam gift card online and top up your Steam wallet to pre-order the game! Do not miss out on the pre-order bonus rewards!

One of the main reasons for this game’s immense craze is that the game looks stunning in all the trailers. When IGN showcased a 13-minute official gameplay trailer for this game at least 4 years ago, the game astonished a lot of gamers with its visuals and gameplay, resulting in a lot of big streamers reacting to it, making it even more popular.

After this trailer, a lot more gameplay trailers have been released and all of them have attracted millions of views from gamers. Another reason for this game’s immense popularity is the game’s protagonist, “The Destined One,” based on Sun Wukong, popularly known as the Monkey King!

A lot of games, movies, and series have taken inspiration from the Monkey King and it is evident, especially in anime.

Popular anime characters like Goku from Dragon Ball and Luffy from One Piece are inspired by the legendary Sun Wukong. Goku even has a similar staff that extends and a cloud called the Nimbus, which he uses as a means of transport.

And most MOBA games have a character based on him. For example, the Monkey King from Dota 2 and Wukong from League of Legends.

black myth wukong

Fighting with a magical staff and flying on a cloud are just a few things from his huge list of techniques. If you’ve watched the trailer, you’ll know about the Monkey King’s iconic ability to turn into other beings like a bee or even a headless monster.

He is often shown as a very charismatic and rebellious figure. Sometimes even reckless and mischievous. However, he also upholds great values like honor, determination, and nobility, and that is exactly why so many of us adore him.

Imagine playing a game with such an interesting protagonist fighting amazing monsters set in a world of beautiful visual storytelling with top-notch combat mechanics and RPG elements. Tell me, how can someone resist playing such an amazing game?


The release of this game is just a couple of months away and I too am excited, like most of you guys, to play it.

What I’m most excited about about this game is following the story of “The Destined One” and trying out the boss fights; the combat mechanics and visuals looked so great in the trailers.  I’m sure this game is going to beat all the single-player games on Steam and top the charts!

What about guys? Will you be trying out this game? Make sure to buy a Steam gift card from our store to buy the game. This is by far the cheapest way to buy games and items on Steam. Unsure of how to redeem your code? Check out our guide on How to redeem Steam code and follow the simple steps!