Valorant Haven Map Guide

Haven’s architectural inspiration comes from walled Japanese fortresses. Valorant Haven features three planting sites (A, B, and C), creating a dynamic environment for tactical firefights. This guide will delve into the intricacies of Haven, including site breakdowns, offensive and defensive strategies, and ideal agent picks.

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A-Site: Z-Axis Focus

A-Site is known for its verticality, with attackers needing to consider both above-ground and below-ground threats. This unique layout makes A-Site both challenging to attack and defend.

Unlike other sites with more straightforward layouts, A-Site offers attackers various entry points, making engagements unpredictable.

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Understanding A-Site Offense:

To conquer the A-Site of Haven Valorant, taking control of A-Tower is crucial. A-Tower provides defenders with a significant vantage point. Here’s how to approach this:

  • A-Long: Smokes are essential here to block the corridor and limit the defender’s vision. This allows you to safely approach the end and deal with potential flankers from Attack Side Spawn.
  • A-Tower: A well-placed smoke or a precise shot can eliminate the threat from A-Tower, opening up opportunities for your team.
  • A-Tower Garage: This spacious area directly below A-Tower serves as a strategic post-plant hiding spot to surprise defenders attempting a retake.
  • A-Short: Securing A-Short from above-ground threats is vital before pushing into the site from below ground. After clearing A-Short, eliminate enemies hiding in the left and right cubbies before entering A-Site proper.
  • A-Link: This corridor connects A-Short’s exit with A-Site and B-Site. Securing A-Link prevents defenders from flanking your A-Site assault.

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Understanding A-Site Defense:

A-Tower is your strongest defensive position. Here’s how to maximize its effectiveness:

  • A-Tower: Having a skilled sniper with an Operator or Marshal can significantly hinder attackers’ approach from A-Long and A-Short.
  • A-Tower Garage: This area can be a deadly ambush point for unsuspecting attackers after the Spike is planted.
  • A-Link: Holding this crucial link prevents attackers from flanking your A-Site defense. Additionally, it allows you to rotate to other sites if needed.

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B-Site: Essentially A Circle

B-Site, located in the Valorant Haven map’s Mid-Section, is a close-quarters battleground. It’s a circular room with a central generator-like box that forces players to navigate around it for engagements.

Compared to other sites, B-Site offers limited movement options, making it a fight for control of key corners.

Understanding B-Site Offense:

  • Mid Window: Be mindful of enemy snipers here who can easily peek into B-Site. Smokes can help block their vision.
  • Mid Courtyard: This straightforward area leads to the stairs towards B-Site. Use caution, as the long stretch of crates below Mid Window provides hiding spots for defenders.
  • Mid Doors: These doors offer access to C-Short and the rest of the C-Site area. They can also be used to escape B-Site and flank attackers pushing C-Site from Attacker Side Spawn.

Understanding B-Site Defense:

While B-Site is vulnerable to multiple entry points, effective defense relies on controlling these access points.

  • B-Back: This is a strategic position to ambush attackers entering B-Site. Additionally, it allows for quick rotations to other sites.
  • Mid Courtyard: While peeking from Mid Courtyard exposes you to enemy snipers, strategically entering this area can give you an advantage in defending B-Site.

C-Site: The Fight For C-Long

Haven Valorant Map C-Site is known for its emphasis on controlling long sightlines and close-quarter engagements. This site offers multiple entry points and can be one of the more difficult sites to push.

We have the infamous C-Long, with nothing but a straight alley and the garage window that can be used as a shortcut to B-Site.

Understanding C-Site Offense:

The key to conquering C-Site is applying pressure from multiple angles. Here are some tactics:

  • C-Long & C-Short/C-Window: A coordinated attack from both C-Long and C-Short/C-Window can overwhelm defenders.
  • C-Link: Securing this flank route from potential defenders coming from B-Site and Defender Spawn is crucial. Be wary of Raze’s ultimate ability which can devastate enemies grouped.
  • C-Cubby: This becomes a valuable post-plant defensive position. Surprise unsuspecting enemies attempting to retake the site by waiting for them to pass through C-Long.
  • C-Site Proper: The corner near the crates, facing C-Short and C-Link, serves as a sneaky hiding spot to catch enemies off guard approaching from either direction.

Understanding C-Site Defense:

While C-Long offers a clear line of sight, having too many defenders here can be wasteful. Here’s how to effectively defend C-Site:

  • C-Long: A single skilled sniper with occasional support (like a Brimstone flash) can often deter attackers long enough to force them to push through Mid Doors or another site.
  • C-Window: This offers the best vantage point to defend C-Short and allows for the effective use of Molotovs to block off Mid Doors.
  • Mid Doors: Focus on spotting and eliminating threats entering through Mid Doors to prevent them from taking control of C-Site. Using a detection ability like Sova’s Recon Dart can force them to retreat or choose another entry point.

Agents: Area Coverage Is A Priority

Here are some prime Agent picks for Haven Valorant:

  • Omen: This Controller’s smokes are incredibly versatile, allowing for quick site lockdowns and safe rotations. His teleport ability also facilitates rapid movement between sites.
  • Cypher: This Sentinel’s deployable Spycams and Trapwires provide excellent intel and area denial, making him perfect for holding down key locations and rotating effectively.
  • Sova: As an Initiator, Sova’s Recon Darts can reveal enemy positions across multiple areas, allowing for better strategic planning and delaying enemy pushes.

Haven’s strategic depth and interconnected layout make it a map that rewards map awareness, teamwork, and well-coordinated rotations. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each site, along with the ideal agent picks, you’ll be well on your way to dominating Valorant Haven and securing those Valorant victories.