What Are All the Overwatch 2 Game Modes

U7BUY is a site that allows you to buy currencies for all your favorite games. Get yourself some cheap Overwatch 2 coins now! There are a bunch of different Overwatch 2 game modes to play and learn about while trying to master the game’s unique roster of Overwatch 2 Heroes. But what are these game modes in Overwatch 2 and how do you play them in the first place?

The first Overwatch 2 game mode that can be gone over is Escort. In this mode, there is an attacking and defending team. The attacking team must escort a payload cart to different objective spots around the Overwatch 2 map. If they make it to all of them before the time is up, then they win. The defending team, however, must make sure the payload never reaches the final objective to win.

Before the start of every round in the Overwatch 2 match, the defending team has some extra time to set themselves up before the attacking team begins their escort. The number of players around the payload will also determine how fast the payload moves. This makes it keen to try and keep the Overwatch 2 attacking team away from the payload at all costs or separate the OW team from each other.

The Hybrid OW game mode is a much more complicated version of the Escort mode, but that doesn’t make it any less enjoyable to play. In this mode, three checkpoints must be taken over by at least one player from either Overwatch 2 team as well as a payload to escort by the attacking team. Each Overwatch 2 point that is taken over will heal the team that took it as well as delay or further the payload.

Along with the OW checkpoints, there still is a needed focus on either escorting or delaying the payload by the teams. This means having to create a balance between focusing on the two objectives while staying alive and paying attention to where everything and everyone is on the map. This can get overwhelming quickly, but practice will make this easier over time.

Control is like the Hybrid Overwatch 2 game mode’s checkpoint captures but to a new level. In Control, there is one large checkpoint that must be taken over by either of the two teams. The more players of one team that there are in the designated point, then the faster it will be taken over. The Overwatch checkpoint, however, cannot be fully taken if at least one of the opposing players is in it. This makes the OW game mode an engaging bloodbath.

The key difference here though is that when the checkpoint is taken over by either team, the game doesn’t stop there. Now the Overwatch 2 team must protect their standing on the point for the rest of the match. This makes it possible for the other team to make a comeback, but the mode in general plays in a sort of push and pull throughout.

Speaking of pushing, there is a Overwatch 2 game mode called Push! This OW mode is a play on the Escort game mode only now both teams have something to escort. Both teams will be fighting over the control of a large robot that will push a barricade across its designated track on the Overwatch 2 map. Whichever team reaches the end of that track with the robot wins the match.

However, there is another way to win in this Overwatch 2 game mode, but it can be far more stressful. If the time runs out, the team with the most distance made with the robot will win. But if time runs out and the losing team has the robot’s control, then they must fight to keep it to beat the Overwatch 2 winning team’s score to still win. If they ever lose the robot, then they will automatically lose the match!

When you take the Hybrid Overwatch 2 game mode’s three checkpoints and turn that into its mode, you will get Flashpoints. Flashpoints have players fight to attain three Overwatch 2 checkpoints across a map before the opposing team does. However, each match will have five checkpoints that are possible to capture but one OW2 checkpoint will be available at a time.

Finally, there is the Arcade mode in Overwatch 2 which can be accessed from the main menu. This isn’t really a full game mode but rather a collection of Overwatch 2 modes that can be played. This includes matches that have no limits to the Hero types that can be selected such as having a team of only Overwatch 2 tanks! Simply put, Arcade is the wild card perfect for those wanting a wild ride. Overwatch 2 has lots of game modes to choose from including being able to create your own thanks to its customization options. There is even an Arcade mode that lets you play around with the odds of each match. Whichever Overwatch 2 mode is your favorite, there is plenty to learn about each one and much fun to be had. Buy OW account from U7BUY today!