What Are the Escape from Tarkov Character Skills?

If you need a new account with an extra boost for your favorite game, you can find some on U7BUY! Check some of the EFT accounts for sale today. Escape from Tarkov is a pretty challenging game to pick up, learn, and master. Thankfully there are a ton of character skills tarkov that you can work to level up to make you even stronger at the game, but what are they and how does leveling up work?

Leveling Up

Get some Tarkov Rubles for sale now with U7BUY! All Escape from Tarkov characters skills can be leveled up to be maxed out at level 51. This is the Elite Level which can be surpassed when using certain provisions or stimulants, but this will only surpass for a limited amount of time. These status effects will also never make the level pass level 60, so don’t get your hopes up too high.

To increase an EFT skill’s level, you will need to gather skill points over time. To just get an Escape from Tarkov skill to level 1, you will need to gather a total of 10 skill points. After that, each level higher will increase this EFT skill point requirement by another 10 points which will eventually cap out at 100 skill points when leveling further. You can earn these Escape from Tarkov skill points not only through raids but also by completing certain quests.

Leveling Speed

The leveling speed during raids can be a little complicated to understand but is still useful to know. During and after each raid, you are pretty much guaranteed to earn at least one or two EFT skill points. After that though, the percentage chance of gaining more will decrease greatly for a short amount of time before gaining back the possibility of earning more.

The Skills

Now we get to the overview of the EST skills themselves. These Escape from Tarkov character skills have a large range in variance whether it be to let you have better damage output and control on certain Escape from Tarkov weapons to be able to barter your way to cheaper discounts when shopping. No matter what though, all of these Escape from Tarkov character skills have their special uses big or small.

The Combat Skills

The Combat Skill will affect how your character skills tarkov will handle each of the available weapons in Escape from Tarkov. For example, all of the Combat Skills that involve guns such as the Assault Rifle skill or the Shotgun skill will make it easier to handle recoil and also improve reload times and other factors the higher the skill gets over time.

There is also the skill that will affect throwable Escape from Tarkov weapons such as grenades. Upgrading this skill will make it so that any throwable will be launched farther when thrown without consuming nearly as much energy as before which is great for players who use them a lot during raids. Even the EFT Grenade Launcher skill makes it much easier and quicker to launch them out.

Overall, increasing any of the Combat Skills allows players to really home in on what weapon class they enjoy using the most and make them even stronger to use during raids. Even melee combat can be improved by having your attack speed heavily increased and other factors! Most of the time, these are the skills that you will be the most focused on for a while.

The Mental Skills

Mental Skills are exactly what they sound like. These skills deal with how your Escape from Tarkov characters will think and interact with menus like when shopping or other perceptive and interactive tasks such as repairing your weapons or lock picking. Putting a couple of skill points into these skills will help you tremendously over time even at these seemingly small tasks.

Some of the more popular Mental Skills to upgrade are the Attention and Perception skills due to them both making it easier to both find and capture loot. Looting is one of the most important parts of raiding so that you can find EFT weapons, provisions, stimulants, and more. Being able to find and loot it quickly before others find it is crucial, so keep these skills in mind.


The Physical Skills are pretty self-explanatory as they affect your physical attributes such as how much health and defense you have with the Health and Immunity skills. There are also other more unique ones such as Metabolism which will increase and prolong the effects of food and drinks which makes these Escape from Tarkov skills incredibly useful.


Escape from Tarkov character skills could very well be considered the more miscellaneous skills as they tend to be way more specific, and niche compared to the skills in the other branches. While some skills such as Lockpicking are self-explanatory with it increasing your lockpicking speed more than what just increasing your Intellect skill does, others like Night Operations are more situational with making moving at night much easier for you. Consider these skills when it comes to your most common EFT playstyle to decide which ones are strongest for you to invest in.