What Is The Best Class for Beginners in SWTOR 2024?

On U7BUY you can find a bunch of different currencies for video games to help boost your gameplay experience. Buy Cartel coins now! There are a lot of SWTOR classes that you can pick when you first start your account on Star Wars The Old Republic. But which ones are the most beginner-friendly so you don’t feel like pulling your hair out when you play?

What to Know Beforehand

You can also buy SWTOR Credits on U7BUY too! Check it out! Before we look into which SWTOR classes are the easiest, we must go over the basic information that makes up a class to have a good idea of which play style you want to go through or experiment with. These include the roles of a Star Wars The Old Republic class, how they do in solo or group quests, and more!


There are three SWTOR roles that a class can be in that will be the primary way to tell how you will play in them. The first and the most common pick for most Star Wars The Old Republic players of all levels is the DPS which stands for ‘Damage Per Second.’ These SWTOR classes are known to deal as much damage as quickly as possible which are usually your gun wielders and soldiers.

Next is the Star Wars The Old Republic Tank role. Tanks are known to have amazing defense just like SWTOR tanks in real life with their strong shells of armor. They can also pack a mighty punch in battle, but they have the downside of typically being very slow when it comes to both movement and landing those big attacks, so timing is key.

Lastly, there is the SWTOR Support class role. Support tends to be the least picked option in all games that include them. This is because there tends to be less action in battle as a Support as you are more focused on helping your teammates fight rather than getting those kills yourself. While not a popular pick, a good Support will always be appreciated by your Star Wars The Old Republic team.

Group vs. Solo

When picking a class, you are gonna want to weigh your pick based on how you want to play which includes who you are playing with. If you are more likely to play in a group, then DPS or Support are the two best SWTOR classes to go for. DPS can work well in both group and solo settings and is considered the default option, but you will be helping your team a lot by picking a Star Wars The Old Republic Support class if you prefer that play style.

When primarily soloing, both the DPS and Tank SWTOR classes are gonna be your top picks. Once again, DPS is a great default option either way, but Star Wars The Old Republic Tanks will have a lot more health and defense to help make up for a lack of team protection. You will also have a companion with you for most of the game, so don’t sweat it as you won’t be completely alone.

Stealth in Solo

When playing solo, you might have to rely a bit more on stealth unless you’re a tank in order to avoid certain large enemies and reach objectives faster. If you want a play style that specializes in being stealthy whether by sneaking around or making sneak attacks, then the Shadow, Assassin, Scoundrel, and Operative SWTOR classes may be your cup of tea!

Ranged vs. Melee Combat

Finally, the last factor that you want to consider is whether you want to fight enemies or players from far away or up close. Ranged Star Wars The Old Republic classes are able to shoot enemies from farther away which can help protect themselves from getting attacked as much. This makes them great for solo players especially as it makes it easier to scout for enemies nearby too.

For melee-focused SWTOR classes, while you are at the risk of getting hit more often by enemies up close, you will have a lot of other buffs in your arsenal. This can include having a faster speed to reach your enemies quicker, better AOE, and more. Melee Star Wars The Old Republic classes also tend to have stronger attacks overall, so choose carefully.

The ‘Easiest’ Classes

Now that we’ve gone over the factors of the SWTOR classes, we can list out the ‘easiest’ classes to pick in Star Wars The Old Republic for beginners. However, the SWTOR classes listed may not be easy for everybody as it entirely depends on how you like and prefer to play. These Star Wars The Old Republic classes are just considered the easiest as they tend to not have as many abilities and skills to keep track of and master, unlike other, more in-depth SWTOR classes.

  • Shadow/Assassin Great for those who enjoy a stealthier play style and have an easy ability-clicking mechanic.
  • Sage/Sorcerer – Is an easier option for leveling up and also targeting enemies.
  • Scoundrel/Operative – Relies on a more ranged combat style with plenty of ways to sneak around enemies. Even have some Support qualities when it comes to healing specifically for the Operative.
  • Gunslinger/Sniper – Same logic as the Scoundrel or Operative but with a more aggressive play style instead.
  • Vanguard/Powertech – A Tank class great for soaking up damage while still having decent speed in movement.
  • Sentinel/Marauder – A great DPS known for their speed in attacks that can make them unstoppable when mastered aggressively.
  • Guardian/Juggernaut – A class with more armor for better defense in battle that is sure to always protect you while still being light enough on their feet to move quickly.
  • Commando/Mercenary – The Mercenary has great ranged attacks with speed and healing while the Commando is more SWTOR Tank heavy with their defense.