Whiteout Survival Best Heroes Guide

Whiteout Survival Best Heroes Guide

Whiteout Survival is a popular survival strategy game set in the environment of glacial apocalypse. Players are challenged to use and hone their strategic skills and survive in the harsh environment around them. The frozen wasteland is hard to survive, especially when you don’t know which hero to include in your team. Heroes are characters in the game each having unique skills and abilities of their own. If you don’t know who to look out for, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Join us as we explore the Whiteout Survival Best Heroes in this guide. But before getting to the Heroes themselves, let’s understand what heroes are in the game.

Whiteout Survival Heroes

In Whiteout Survival, heroes contribute more than just combat abilities; they also enhance settlement development. Some heroes excel in resource collection, accelerating the gathering of essential materials for survival and expansion. Others are skilled in defensive tactics, strengthening your settlement against enemy factions and environmental threats. When engaging in PvP and PvE encounters or exploring new territories, the composition of your hero team is vital. A well-balanced team that combines unique abilities, agility, and strength can effectively navigate challenges, leveraging their synergies to defeat adversaries and secure valuable territories and resources. Now you know why powerful heroes are important, let’s discuss which are the Whiteout Survival Best Heroes.

Whiteout Survival Best Heroes


A hero of Combat type, Molly belongs to the Lancer Class. Molly is one of the most powerful heroes of the Whiteout Survival game. She is known for her powerful Active skills. Her First active skill is called Super Snowball. It allows her to create and project a big powerful snowball that would deal an Area of Effect (AoE) damage. It would result in freezing all the opponents for 1.5 sec.


A hero of Growth type, Zinman belongs to the Marksman Class. Zinman is another powerful hero of the Whiteout Survival game. His active skill is known as Nail Scatter and it allows him to stun his opponents for 2 sec by covering them in a barrage of nails and dealing damage while they are stunned.

Whiteout Survival Zinman


Natalia is a hero classified under the Combat type. Belonging to the Infantry class, her primary active skill is called Beast Charge. During this ability, Natalia’s bear aggressively slams the ground, sending enemies within range flying backward, and stun them for a second, and inflicting area-of-effect (AOE) damage. This powerful attack disrupts enemy formations, giving her an edge on the battlefield.


Jeronimo is a hero falling under the Combat type, specifically within the Infantry class. His main active skill, Combo Slash, is a devastating move where Jeronimo hurls enemies into the air within the target zone, followed by three consecutive slashes. Each slash delivers a substantial amount of damage, making this ability a formidable attack that can decimate enemy forces.


Patrick is categorized as a Combat type and belongs to the Lancer class. His unique active ability, BBQ Feast, involves preparing an extravagant meal that significantly heals all troops by restoring Health equal to 200% x Attack. Additionally, it boosts the attack power of all troops by 5% for 4 sec. This ability not only rejuvenates his allies but also temporarily enhances their combat effectiveness.


Jessie is a hero of the Combat type, classified under the Lancer class. Her first active skill, Burst Fire, unleashes a barrage of bullets from her machine gun in a forward arc. This ability deals damage equivalent to 55% x Attack every half a second for a duration of 2 seconds, effectively suppressing and damaging multiple enemies in its path.


Gina is identified as a Combat type within the Marksman class. Her primary active ability, Incendiary Arrow, involves firing a flaming arrow that hits the target with an impact equal to 210% x Attack damage. Moreover, it causes additional damage of Attack x 70% to nearby enemies, making it an effective skill for inflicting widespread damage.


Seo-Yoon is classified as a Growth type and is part of the Marksman class. Her key active ability, Heartbeat of Valor, boosts the morale of her army through invigorating drum beats. This skill increases the attack power of all heroes and troops by 1.5% and their attack speed by 2.5% for a duration of 4 seconds.


Cloris is classified under the Growth type and belongs to the Marksman class. Her primary active skill, Rain of Arrows, involves launching a barrage of arrows that inflict attack x 180% area-of-effect damage around the target.

Whiteout Survival Cloris


Charlie is categorized as a Growth type and is part of the Lancer class. His key active ability, Shrapnel Load, allows him to hurl a homemade explosive at the target, causing significant area-of-effect damage to both the target and nearby enemies. This explosive attack disrupts enemy formations and deals substantial damage to groups of foes.


Smith is identified as a Growth type within the Infantry class. His primary active skill, Hammer Burn, involves swinging his hammer in a powerful arc, delivering massive damage to any enemies caught in its path. This devastating move can significantly weaken or eliminate multiple opponents in a single strike.


This would be all about the Whiteout Survival Best Heroes. We have listed all the best heroes that you should lookout for. There are other heroes as well, but these are the best. Make sure to get them on your team and enjoy the game to the fullest. Don’t forget to top-up Whiteout Survival Frost Stars from U7BUY for a smoother gameplay experience getting and using your favorite heroes.