Why IKEA Is a Great Place to Buy Your Furniture

Hands up if you’ve never heard of IKEA. Yeah. We thought so. Nobody. It is the largest furniture chain in the world. Starting in Sweden, most people loved the idea of cheap flat-pack furniture so much, that they quickly spread around the world. Among IKEA fans, IKEA has an almost cult-like status. Not surprising, really. Nowhere else can you get decent furniture that won’t blow a hole in your bank account.

Right now, we’ll tell you why IKEA is a great place to buy furniture. By the end, you’ll probably be looking to buy IKEA gift cards.

It is Easily Accessible

IKEA has done a great job expanding, leaving most people no more than a short drive from their closest IKEA superstore. You can take the furniture home the same day if you’re willing to drive there too. They even give out free trailers (which you do have to return, obviously) to make that trip even easier.

IKEA also has a great online operation for those who want to be a bit more efficient, or just don’t own cars. While you can’t see the stuff in person there, they do deliver quickly, normally within a few days. You can find plenty of videos on YouTube if you want to see that IKEA furniture in all its glory online.

We don’t think there is a single more accessible furniture store on the planet, certainly not one that is available in so many countries (most other furniture stores limit themselves to a country or two).

They Have Good Furniture

Ok. IKEA furniture is not meant to be heirloom furniture. It is cheap furniture that’ll last you a few years, but it will give you a functional few years (plus, the furniture looks great. You can furnish a whole apartment with just IKEA stuff. Well-selected, and treated, IKEA furniture will give you years of use. It stays looking great too. Nobody will be able to tell that you barely spent any cash on it. It doesn’t matter what product you buy either. It is also pretty decent. You can read the countless reviews of IKEA furniture out there for proof.

It’s Easy to Put Together

Honestly, considering IKEA furniture has a lot of components, it is often very easy to put together. You do get the odd trickier piece that can be quite a menace to slot into place, but these are rare. The guides to putting together the furniture are always decent, and you can do everything with a basic set of tools.

While it is uncommon, if you do find that one of the components in the box is missing, you can always reach out to IKEA (including going to your local store), and they’ll hook you up with a replacement.

It is Affordable

Picture this. You’ve got an apartment or home to furnish. Your bank account is pretty scarce (due to high rents and property prices nowadays). You still need it to look and feel comfortable and cozy, though. What do you do? Well, you take a trip to IKEA. You could furnish a whole home or apartment for just a few thousand dollars. It wouldn’t even look terrible due to the quality furniture that IKEA has available. It may even be the only store you need to head to, since they sell everything you need for a functional home there.

There’s a Lot of Choice

IKEA has a lot of choices.

When most people think of IKEA, they think of their furniture ranges. If you need something cheap to lay, sit, or store things in, this is the place you go to. Well, outside of charity shops. They normally have something to suit most decors too. The furniture always looks amazing, even if it isn’t made from the best materials. IKEA does have a good design team.

However, they’re so much more than just the larger pieces of furniture. They do the ‘little pieces’ that you need for your home too. For example, if you need some pots/pans for your kitchen, IKEA has it. If you need a recycling bin or shoe rack, IKEA has it. If you need a cute rug to help bring your bathroom to life, IKEA has it.

As we said – this is really the only store most people need to go to when furnishing their homes.

You Can Get Cheap Gift Cards for IKEA

You want to get your stuff even cheaper from IKEA? Well, IKEA gift cards can help with that. We sell them here at U7Buy.com, and we’re cheaper than anywhere else. It is easy to use them at IKEA online too. But, if you don’t know how to use IKEA gift cards once you’ve bought them from us, don’t forget to read our guide on how to redeem IKEA gift card.