WoW Gold: Myth vs. Reality – Debunking Common Misconceptions

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a global phenomenon. Some play it for fun and leisure while some play at a competitive level. Some even manage to turn their passion into real-life cash by selling their WoW gold on trustworthy websites such as U7Buy.

However, there are countless myths that surround this idea of turning your WoW experience into real life money. Or to make your WoW journey easier by using real-life cash to buy Wow coins and gold. In this article, we will go through some important myths and dispel them with facts.

Myth No. 1: You Need to Spend All Day Farming Gold

Correction: It can be done quickly if done efficiently

While many people believe that the only way to properly farm gold is by devoting all waking hours, it simply isn’t true. There are efficient ways of farming World of Warcraft gold that don’t take up your entire day.

There are several effective techniques to earn gold, in solo, as well as ways in which you could speed up the process by working as a team. We have discussed these in detail in our Primer to World of Warcraft techniques.

Myth No. 2: Buying Gold Is Risky and Should Be Avoided

Correction: It is safe if done in a good manner

There’s also a plethora of people who constantly float this notion of buying gold being something unethical or against the spirit of the game.

The truth is, buying gold can be a viable option with minimal risk, if done rightly. What’s the way to do it the correct way?

Using a trustworthy source such as U7Buy is the first one. ALWAYS ensure that the website you’re buying gold from has credibility and prior reviews. Go through the internet to find out about people who’ve bought from them. If you buy from a shady, low-key website there’s no guarantee on how the purchase will turn out.

Like anything, there’s always some risk involved but using a gold seller with a proven track record of safety and security should minimize it. There have been hundreds if not thousands of players who have bought gold consistently [1] throughout their career and it resulted in no adverse effects for them. 

Myth No. 3: Only High-Level Players Can Make Significant Gold

Correction: A player on any level can earn a good amount of gold

There’s also this concept that only players who are really good at the game can earn significant gold, enough to be converted into WoW tokens and sold on websites such as U7Buy.

This is also just a big misconception. While yes, being at a higher level does make the process easier, there’s no obstacle in being unable to do it as a beginner or intermediate player.

Low-level gold-making strategies that are really helpful for beginners. These include:

  1. Farming rare items:

We’ve discussed this more in our Primer (link here), but this involves gathering and identifying specific low level zones where valuable items can be found and farmed. These can then be sold to other players or websites.

  1. Gathering professions

You can use gathering professions such as skinning, mining and herbalism to accumulate animal hides, minerals such as gold ores and valuable herbs. You can farm them and sell them to other players for WoW gold. More details in our Primer.

Myth No. 4: Gold-Making Requires Advanced Knowledge of Economics

Correction: It’s much simpler, anyone can do it!

Some people interested in collecting WoW gold are also put off by the notion that only those with a strong grip on economics can successfully do it. This is far from the truth.

Just doing the basics right can take you a long way. However, even if you want to incorporate some basic economics to jumpstart your gold collection, or take them to the next level, it’s not that complicated.

A basic tip for productively trading on the Auction house is by identifying market trends. See what’s more in-demand and people are craving for.

You could also use Reddit, Youtube, and other resources to identify such trends and proactive work on procuring the items that people might get interested in soon. This could be as simple as a major streamer talking nice things about an in-game item that people might soon go crazy for.

It’s much more important to just be patient, consistent and adaptable in your journey to make gold in World of Warcraft. As they say, theory will only take you so far. So, get going and dip your feet in the water, discover it for yourself!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. 1) Are there reliable methods for avoiding gold scams in WoW?

Ans. Yes, by using reliable websites with a proven track record such as U7Buy to buy gold and tokens, and not entering your WoW details on shady websites. Do not fall for scams that “seem too good to be true”, because they most probably are.

Q. 2) Do some races or classes have an inherent advantage in farming gold?

Ans. While some races do have unique traits that might make gold farming somewhat easier, it’s not absolutely true. If there’s a class you’ve played for years, then that might give you your own unique advantage and be the most efficient way for you to farm, personally.


Simply put, buying and earning gold in WoW is something that can be done effectively, safely, and at any level. You don’t need a Masters degree in economics to be good at it.

As long as you’re patient, put the reps in, and experiment with different techniques there’s no reason you can’t get good at earning a lot of WoW gold. Best of luck on your journey!

